18 September, 2024

More Music

 More Tracks

So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track.

So have a look at my youtube channel if you are interested.

I cant tell you the name of the track as I am trying to decide between three different tracks and have not yet made up my mind.

16 September, 2024

New Music Track

 New Music

As I said in my last post I am going to release some new music, and thats just what I did on Sunday 15th Sep.

The new track is called Summer V.B.E and I don't know what style of music you would call it other than its has some vocals in it, but I would not say that it is a vocal track.

If you get the time to have a look at it, and if you want you tell me what you think of it.

14 September, 2024

Blogger is it Safe from deletion

 Blogger is it safe from Deletion?

Blogger as a software programme has been around for some time, and it has not had much love over the last few years, eg I don't remember the last time it had an update of some kind.

So the question in my mind is this?

Is Blogger safe from being shutdown?

Google have a track record for shutting down services that they provide, and with the lack of love that Blogger appears to be getting is that what is the fate of Blogger?

I don't know and cant know the answer to that question.

But and this is a small but, I believe that their are a lot of Blogger posts in lots of different languages and that un like me, a lot of them are far more active than my site, so does or can Google use all that text to train its latest AI programmes?

This is again another question that I don't have the answer to. I would like to think that it may be a possible reason for keeping Blogger.

New Music ?

 New Music?

All being well I think I shall be releasing some new music tracks in the next few days.

I have found some tracks in the music vault that I think after some work I can out up on my youtube channel, so look out for them.

06 September, 2024

1000 Tracks? Part 2

 1000 Tracks or (not now so it seems)

I did a Blog post back in May 2024 stating that I had finally released 1000 tracks on my youtube channel, at the time this was absolutely correct.

Since then I decided to make all my Gopro videos private, for various reasons, one being that they are just raw footage dumps.

So the result of marking the GoPro videos private is I have now got some 20 or so tracks to go before I hit 1000, this will not be a problem as in the music vault as I look at it today , I have around 100 unreleased tracks...

What I don.t have is the time to release all these tracks, but as we here in the Northern hemisphere move to autumn I am going to try and get more of the tracks released.

Still here

 So This blog is still alive, must admit that I have not done a blog post since may 2024 and as I write this its Sept 2024, where has all the time gone?

In the past every time I posted a new music track to my youtube channel it would let you know here, sadly at some point in the past Google have killed off this feature, which is a pity as it was a great way of finding out what new music I have produced and it kept this blog alive with post every few weeks or sometime every day when I was releasing new music.

So it goes without saying that I am still producing new music.

I am also still writing the odd new some lyric, but I have not yet got around to publishing them yet.

So I make no promises but I will update the blog now and then.

It does not help that I have had a change in laptop and for some reason I just cant log on to Blogger with the new laptop, strange that?

17 May, 2024



So on the 14th May2024  I finally managed to post my 1000th video on to youtube

It’s taken years to get to that figure, I think that if I uploaded all my music that I currently have in my music library I suspect that the figure would be at least 1200 if not more.

So here is to the next 1000!

26 January, 2024

Farnborough Half Marathon Result

 Half Marathon Result

So I did a thing.....

I ran the Farnborough (Hampshire UK) half marathon and finished in 2.07 which is a very good result for me  as I  did no training for it.

In fact before that I had only ran 10K not the 21.9K that a half marathon is.

Now normally after a very long run (for me) I like to celebrate by having a nice pub meal and a drink or two, which I know is the last thing that you should do after a long run, but it works for me right?

This time for various reasons this did not happen, and I some how have felt that I was cheated in some way.

Song Lyrics Earth

 Song Lyrics Earth

Verse 1:

Earth, you are the only home we know

You give us life and love, you make us glow

You show us wonders every day, from the rainbow to the star

You fill our hearts with joy and awe, you make us who we are


Earth, you are the beauty of the world

You are the star that shines, you are the pearl

You are the song that we sing, you are the dream that we share

You are the reason we live, you are the one that we care

Verse 2:

Earth, you are the challenge that we face

You need our help and hope, you need our grace

You teach us how to be kind and smart, how to protect and restore

You inspire us to do our part, to give you something more


Earth, you are the beauty of the world

You are the star that shines, you are the pearl

You are the song that we sing, you are the dream that we share

You are the reason we live, you are the one that we care


Earth, you are the future that we hold

You have the power and the wisdom, you have the gold

You have the answers that we seek, you have the vision that we need

You have the courage that we lack, you have the faith that we heed


Earth, you are the beauty of the world

You are the star that shines, you are the pearl

You are the song that we sing, you are the dream that we share

You are the reason we live, you are the one that we care.


This is still some of my lyrics that I like alot, 

I still don't know what kind of voice would be good for this sone, perhaps in a few years I will be able to use an AI voice.

20 January, 2024

Half Marathon

 Its Half Marathon Time!

So tomorrow which to me will be the 21 Jan 2024 I am going to run a half marathon, this is no small undertaking and I know that it will be hard.

I have run a half before back in Dec 2023 so I know I can do the distance, when I rang that one, I did it on my own with no food or water just music to listen to.

This time I will have 2500 others running passed me and jelly babies!

I will be happy just to completed it, if I can get under two hours I will be very surprised as I have not really done that much training for it, I do run 4 times a week so I am not going into the run cold.

I will let you know how I did in a later post.

New Tracks Soon

 So its a new year and the good news is that I have quite a few new music tracks that I will be releasing over the next few weeks.

The number of tracks?

I think there are at the last count 30 new tracks!

I could release them 2 each day or something like that, I am not sure what the best way is to release them.

Sp I hope to start pushing them out real soon.

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...