30 April, 2007

blue sunset

blue sunset, originally uploaded by brilliant girl.

Great image wish I was there to see this with my own eyes.

orange sunset

orange sunset, originally uploaded by brilliant girl.

just love the deep hues in this picture.

21 April, 2007


DSC_1586, originally uploaded by davew1.

Leith Hill to the south west of Dorking, Surrey, England, reaches 294 metres (965 feet) above sea level, the highest point on the North Downs, and is either the highest or second highest point in south-east England, depending on whether one counts Walbury Hill near Newbury, Berkshire, which is 297 metres (974 feet) high, as being in south-east England. One can see woods, rhododendrons, bluebells and magnificent views from the many walks.

It was possibly on the summit of Leith Hill in 851, that Ethelwulf, father of Alfred the Great, defeated the Danes who were heading for Winchester, having sacked Canterbury and London.

17 April, 2007


DSC_1563, originally uploaded by davew1.

I just like how small these flowers are.

15 April, 2007


DSC_1542, originally uploaded by davew1.

Me in Winkworth with the Bluebell's


DSC_1519, originally uploaded by davew1.

Not sure why but this is a great image for me.

13 April, 2007


I am trying to set up a new blog that I have control over every thing on it.

11 April, 2007


Hello?, originally uploaded by Sapphie.

Love the green and then the red lips

09 April, 2007


DSC_0105, originally uploaded by davew1.

Still like this picture not sure why

08 April, 2007


DSC_1351, originally uploaded by davew1.

Sunrise in sunny Aldershot


DSC_1320, originally uploaded by davew1.

Ant looking just a pissed off with me taking pictures of him.

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...