30 June, 2007

Displaced Cattle

Displaced Cattle, originally uploaded by slightlydramatic.

Every where I look these days appears to be in flood

25 June, 2007

In Clover

In Clover, originally uploaded by Maegluin.

Is this what summer should look like? For some reason to me it does, not to sure why.

12 June, 2007

After the Launch

After the Launch, originally uploaded by Fraggle Red.

I have never seen an image of a shuttle launch look like this.

10 June, 2007

Red Explosion

Red Explosion, originally uploaded by Siobhan Curran.

Just love the very bright colours in this image, not so sure about the wasp...

20 Seconds After Liftoff

20 Seconds After Liftoff, originally uploaded by Fraggle Red.

I wounder what it must have sounded like while taking this image, I wish i could have been there athere will be only so many more before they retire the shuttle.

04 June, 2007


04/06/2007, originally uploaded by davew1.

fom the old nokia phone just to see if I could upload


04/06/2007, originally uploaded by davew1.

From an old nokia phone just to see what it looks like

god this dress is short!

god this dress is short!, originally uploaded by jess22swindonia!.

Without the chair and the background this is a nice picture, yes I know the woman is a bloke, but that does not stop this from being a great image.

That dress...again

That dress...again, originally uploaded by jess22swindonia!.


More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...