28 February, 2009

5.41 Miles

Just a memo to me, do not try and break you record for cycling uphill after a tough bike ride, as it hurts and you will pay for it.



Caz my daughter
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Sunshine at the top of the world


Rare event this year so far, yes sunshine, so we took advantage of it and went for a walk to the top of a local hill.
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Oh Where's the Sun Gone

So one whole day of sunshine on Friday and now because it's Saturday is all gone grey cloud

26 February, 2009


I have just noticed (and is a note to me) that I have not done any updates or work for that matter on any of my projects, mainly because the change of job ect. has left me cream cracked at this time, I am hopeful that in time I will get back to doing them.

One project that does need to be moved forward is the AE35 pod cast which I have not touched since Jan and it's now very nearly March (oh where has the time gone) I do have enough material for another pod cast but don't seem to have the time to record it and upload it(the other reason is that the new computer still needs to have the software)

Post 500

500 posts to this blog in total, I know that for some that 500 is not much, but me I am happy to have got to this milestone

24 February, 2009

23 February, 2009


Just a note to myself really that I saw my first crocus, snowdrops and a tree in blossom.

Grey Sky

Just want to record here that today was a grey sky all day and that it **** me off!

Grey Sky

Just want to record here that today was a grey sky all day and that it **** me off!

22 February, 2009

Past Blogs

I have just made a mistake of looking back at what I was saying in my Blog from back in 2006, one thing that struck me was the amount of stuff that I was doing and all the different projects that I had on the go, what I now want to know is what happened?

I mean the computer I had then to the computer I have now must surly mean that I can now do more, and do it quicker?

I still have lots of ideas for projects but some how they never ever get started now, while back then at least I started them why?

Looking at other folks blogs from back in the early days there does seem to be a very simular thing going on, why?

And before you say that it's to do with the country I live in and the credit cruch or Banks getting too silly with my money, the trend was in place as far as I can see before these events even happened.

So I am left wondering what has happened and what can I do to get my unfinished projects completed and also get my great ideas started?

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: Daily Photo #442

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: Daily Photo #442

Saw this picture on Trav28's blog and i have to admit I love the clours in it, not sure when in the year it was taken, but I love the way the clock dial is such an intense blue.

Will have to find out what the secret is to getting such strong colours, so I can get something like this when I get back into picture taking.


DSCN1951, originally uploaded by davew1.

Looking back of some of my kite pics from a few years ago, I did not remember this one.

Its the fact that I got it with a camera that was hard work on moving subjects that makes this pic rather special to me.

Blue Sky

How is it that having one day with lots of blue sky can make you feel much better.

21 February, 2009


_MG_0163, originally uploaded by Trav28.

This image from Trav28 has made me put the Canyon on a list of places that I have just got to go and see.

Blogs A Minute (BAM)

Just been doing some updating of the main Dirk Maggs website, all stuff that you can't see but should make the site run just a bit better (or so I hope!)

Just had a thought just how many Blogs a minute are being created, started or have stopped but the owners of the Blogs don't know that yet?

Is there a blogs a minute rating?

should there be? me?

I don't think it matters really!

I also happen to think that how could you collect this data anyway?

Not all blogs are hosted by large web hosts are they?

Well that's enough of all this I have an Above and Beyond set to listen to.

Edit Hell part more than one

As you know I have been writing a book on all of Dirk Maggs audio productions, in fact I have been doing the Dirk Maggs web site for a few years now, but it has only been in the last few years that I thought it would be a great idea to have a paper version of the website.

So as I have said before the paper version has got to version/edition 3 I think ( see even I don't have a clue where I am at times) any way the last version has got stuck in edit hell as I have know idea on the indexes that this book really needs I mean by that with so much information in it you need more than one index to help you find what you are looking for and things only get much much worse(is that a word) as the book gets bigger as I update it with new material.

As I have said before the book is not for public publication as I have a feeling getting copyright clearance on some of the pictures ect. would be a nightmare.

The strange thing is that this is a project that I do like doing and I hope one day that one of the versions/editions will be printed up so that I can give it to Dirk( so that he can then tell me what's right and wrong with it) currently the book is in an A4 format as that is what I tend to write my book projects in.

The publication cost for privately printed book sits at about 15 UK pounds which for a 300-400 page book of that format does not look to bad.

So I will have to get on with it, I think what I might have to do is abandon version or edition three of the book and move to version 4 as Dirk has now produced more shows that are on the website but not in the book.

14 February, 2009



Some work has been done on starting up the Citrus Project, I have got as far as starting to redo the website.

Dirk Maggs book, this is still stuck in edit hell with no further progress at this time, although a journalist did as for a draft copy of it even though I told him that it was a draft and that it was stuck in edit hell. So far I have had no feedback on what he thinks of it yet. It is also becoming very clear to me that I am going to have to revise the book even before I have completed it, as Dirk is not standing still and is still producing very good work(must remember not to say that bit to him!!)

So as always it comes down to time, time is very precious and is always in short supply and to make thing worse as you get older it speeds up and passes you by must faster.

07 February, 2009

Citrus Book

If I ever get a block of free time one book project that is now well over due is to revise and update by Citrus book. It did get to edition 5 and then for some unknown reason it stopped, not to sure why that is but there you go.

Old editions of the Citrus books are on my main website under the writing bit of my website.

I hope that edition 6 would be bigger and a better book by adding some extra stuff, like what recipes the different Citrus fruits can be used in. I also want to talk more about some of the different sub species of the Citrus fruits.

Things go Slow

Well one of the ideas this year was to do more with my book writing and publishing. The way things no look that might not happen as a change in the job has happened and as with all things new there are lots of hills to climb.

I do have one book project that has been on hold since June 2008 mainly due to the fact that I can not get the book's index sorted out.

The other little snag is that before I have completed the book it is already very much out of date and so I will need to revise it before I even get around to the problem with the index.

The only other problem with it is that I can't sell the book when its done anyway, due to copyrights that would need to be cleared and also because I don't think there is a market for such a book.

Saying that an earlier version/edition of the book was one Lulu for a while due to a mistake that I made when editing the project page and I can safely state here that it was the most expensive book on Lulu at just short of 1million pounds, for some strange reason there where no takers at that price.

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...