28 May, 2009


Looks like we here in UK are in for 4 days of sunshine in a row, I know I can't belive it either!

25 May, 2009

Bank Holiday

Well the surprise for me this time is that all we have had in the way of not nice weather has been some very dark grey clouds and the two minute light rain shower. So as Bank holidays go a result and almost relaxing apart from having a patio put in.

22 May, 2009

Bank Hols

So the Bank Hols are on its way, lets look out for some good sunshine ha ha

19 May, 2009

Car Parks & Idiots

Well you would think that parking in a non public private car park would mean that on average your car (witch is 5 weeks old) would be safe.

But the answer is no

And when not one but two cars get hit by the same tipper truck and that both cars that were hit are more than 40ft apart you do begin to wonder what the ^$^$^ is going on.

The damage to my car could mean that its just a rear bumper and light cluster or and this is the one I don't want the car is a write off.

I will let you know how it pans out.

Part of the delay is being caused by the fact that the car is so new that spare parts are not generally available as most of the parts are going on the construction of new vehicles.

17 May, 2009



Ross & Wye
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Just one of the many pictures I took while in Ross & Whye

07 May, 2009

More than 2007

This the 85 post of this year now put's me ahead of the posts I did back in 2007


Just found out me and the wife have 3G phones, and no I don't know what that means either.

06 May, 2009

Old TV Shows

Just caught a program on the Discovery Channel about painting by a guy call Bob Ross, he made painting look so easy, so I decided to look him up on Google, only to find out that this quietly spoken man died back in 1985!

So watching tv can take you back in time.

05 May, 2009


Progress on the Dirk Maggs Book project have been put on hold while I try to find the USB stick with the files on!

Yeah I know.....

03 May, 2009

English Bluebells


Yes I know this is yet another picture of bluebells, but and there is a but, these are the real thing. By that I mean these are your actual English Bluebells and very nice they are too.
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Well stuff has been getting in the way again of my Dirk Maggs book. Have just been away on a hard course that has lots of night work and exams.

I am very happy that I have passed the course and now don't have to do that one for another 4 years.

But being on the course has meant that the Dirk Maggs book is now halted for at least the next few weeks as I have catch up to do at work, and then I am holiday for a week, and yes I really do need a break.

So all being well and all that sort of stuff the book project should then start back up.

I have been told that Dirk has been in the studio again and that there is some new stuff to be broadcast very soon, so that means even more work for the book project.

02 May, 2009

Bluebells 3


This is a close up shot of a bluebell
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Bluebells 2

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Yes the bluebell hunt was a great success and here is another shot


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So its bluebell season here in the UK and as it was a nice day we went bluebell hunting

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...