Well it's Ty's birthday today all of 24!
I know
Where did all the time go?
31 October, 2009
30 October, 2009
Arctic Drift
Still reading this book by Clive & Dirk Cussler, so far I have been entertained, and to me that's what counts and the book has become less formulaic if there is such a term.
29 October, 2009
Broken Links 2
Just had a look at my main Dirk Maggs website, and still for some reason pages are not working.
I have re-uploaded, I don't know how many times, I have checked that the pages that I am linking to exsist and yet still there are pages that are not working.
It's doing my head in.
I have re-uploaded, I don't know how many times, I have checked that the pages that I am linking to exsist and yet still there are pages that are not working.
It's doing my head in.
Reading Now 3
Just started to read Arctic Drift by Clive & Dirk Cussler, so far the story is not bad, but in places I get the feeling that I am reading a book that has been written by numbers. Not sure why I get that feeling.
So I shall read the rest of the book hoping that I get entertained which is my sole reason for reading the book in the first place.
So I shall read the rest of the book hoping that I get entertained which is my sole reason for reading the book in the first place.
27 October, 2009
I have just done a quick count on the books that I have in my to read pile, it stands at 6!
Which for me is a lot, 1 of the books is 1500 pages long.
At this rate I don't think I will need to buy a new book until 2010.
Which for me is a lot, 1 of the books is 1500 pages long.
At this rate I don't think I will need to buy a new book until 2010.
Book reading
Have just finished another book that I have been looking for, in fact I first heard about this book some 20 years ago but never managed to get a copy.
In fact for some reason I never even went to the library and requested it, even though it was a book that I had wanted to read.
The book was just reprinted as a special 40th year anniversary edition!
The book is call Carrying the fire and is by Michael Collins, now people of a certain age might know who he is but I can tell you that both my children had never heard of him.
He was the Command Module pilot of the Apollo 11, yes that's right, he was the chap who went all the way to the Moon and then went round it on his own while Aldrin and that Armstrong went and walked on the Moon.
Its a book I think of it's time in that it was written just a few years after Apollo 11 had landed and in fact after the Apollo flights had been cancelled.
I found it a good read in that to me Collins is one of the more forgotten astronauts, saying that, of the 12 men how walked on the Moon I would struggle to name them all, and I have an interest in space and that sort of stuff.
One thing that the book does not discuss is just how close to things going wrong was the whole Apollo missions, I think mainly because the book was written so close to the events it talks about.
So if you want to learn a bit about one of the more forgotten men from the man landings on the Moon this is a good book to read.
In fact for some reason I never even went to the library and requested it, even though it was a book that I had wanted to read.
The book was just reprinted as a special 40th year anniversary edition!
The book is call Carrying the fire and is by Michael Collins, now people of a certain age might know who he is but I can tell you that both my children had never heard of him.
He was the Command Module pilot of the Apollo 11, yes that's right, he was the chap who went all the way to the Moon and then went round it on his own while Aldrin and that Armstrong went and walked on the Moon.
Its a book I think of it's time in that it was written just a few years after Apollo 11 had landed and in fact after the Apollo flights had been cancelled.
I found it a good read in that to me Collins is one of the more forgotten astronauts, saying that, of the 12 men how walked on the Moon I would struggle to name them all, and I have an interest in space and that sort of stuff.
One thing that the book does not discuss is just how close to things going wrong was the whole Apollo missions, I think mainly because the book was written so close to the events it talks about.
So if you want to learn a bit about one of the more forgotten men from the man landings on the Moon this is a good book to read.
Timeshare Scam 2
Well the cancellation letter has been sent by recorded delvery
The TCA The Consumer Association has also written back saying that it was gross misrepresentation,they say I will probably loose the deposit and that they will threaten legal action.
As they claimed (lots of times) to be member of the OTE and RDO they should just refund the money and that be the end of the matter.
I have also been told to expect a phone call from them.
The TCA The Consumer Association has also written back saying that it was gross misrepresentation,they say I will probably loose the deposit and that they will threaten legal action.
As they claimed (lots of times) to be member of the OTE and RDO they should just refund the money and that be the end of the matter.
I have also been told to expect a phone call from them.
26 October, 2009
Timeshare Scam
It is with head hung low that i have to admit to being scammed while on holiday in Greece with a Holiday Club.
I have a bad feeling that I will loose the deposit paid, I just want to know why I shut the bullshit detector down while on holiday...
An expensive lesson is what I have learned, but will try and see if I can get my money back(deposit only, which is not so bad)
Put the debit card payment in dispute, so might be lucky
Did not realise that a debit card has less protections built into it than the credit card.
Will report back
Have even sent registered letter under the 10 day cool off rule to cancel everything, so watch this space
I have a bad feeling that I will loose the deposit paid, I just want to know why I shut the bullshit detector down while on holiday...
An expensive lesson is what I have learned, but will try and see if I can get my money back(deposit only, which is not so bad)
Put the debit card payment in dispute, so might be lucky
Did not realise that a debit card has less protections built into it than the credit card.
Will report back
Have even sent registered letter under the 10 day cool off rule to cancel everything, so watch this space
10 October, 2009
I have been looking back at some of my Blog posts, and I have noticed that they are getting much much shorter, I think that one possible cause of this is that I am also on Twitter, and 140 characters or less really does not leave you or even lead you into expanding your ideas and what you have to say about different things that you notice and want to record in your Blog.
I have read some of my very early Blogs and there is stuff that I talk about in them that I had completely forgotten about, what's more I did fell at times as I was reading some body else's stuff and not mine, which was a bit of an eye opener.
So what to do about my Blog posts?
Nothing is what I am going to do as it's my Blog and how I write the Blog at this time reflects who I am at this time, it goes without saying that it will all change soon anyway, such is the way of things.
I have read some of my very early Blogs and there is stuff that I talk about in them that I had completely forgotten about, what's more I did fell at times as I was reading some body else's stuff and not mine, which was a bit of an eye opener.
So what to do about my Blog posts?
Nothing is what I am going to do as it's my Blog and how I write the Blog at this time reflects who I am at this time, it goes without saying that it will all change soon anyway, such is the way of things.
lots of cloud again, I do sometimes wish that the weather in the UK was well just a bit more predictable, but then again having weather that is always going to be different is I suppose what makes us Brits brits, if you get what I mean.
I suppose it was nice to have some blue sky but in the UK you pay for that by having lots of grey sky.
As I write this it's not yet raining, but I am sure that given time the weather will get round to it real soon
I suppose it was nice to have some blue sky but in the UK you pay for that by having lots of grey sky.
As I write this it's not yet raining, but I am sure that given time the weather will get round to it real soon
08 October, 2009
Have just completed reading Quantum by Manjit Kumar, overall a good read and it went a long way to giving me an idea how quantum physics all came about and all the different people involved in finding out all about it.
It would have been great if the book had had another section on how today we use this physics today and not know it.
Another great addition would be what we still don't know and what we thought we knew but has since found to be wrong, may be that's a whole new book, if one came out then I would love to read it.
It would have been great if the book had had another section on how today we use this physics today and not know it.
Another great addition would be what we still don't know and what we thought we knew but has since found to be wrong, may be that's a whole new book, if one came out then I would love to read it.
06 October, 2009
Reading 200000
Just a note to myself I am now reading Far Out by Mark Pilkington, this is a small book that has very short items on 101 strange tales from science's outer edge.
Only read the first 10 pages so far and , well not to sure I like the way that the tales are presented, as the authors tone is not quite right, in fact can not put my finger on what makes it feel not right, but it's not.
Only read the first 10 pages so far and , well not to sure I like the way that the tales are presented, as the authors tone is not quite right, in fact can not put my finger on what makes it feel not right, but it's not.
05 October, 2009
04 October, 2009
Broken Links
Had a good look at my websites and I still can't find out why I have broken links to pages that are all stored in the same directory.....
03 October, 2009
Blog Layout
Not sure what has happened but the layout of the blog appears to have changed all by itself, I am looking into this.
Projects 2
If you have read some of the other posts on this little blog of mine, you will no doudt be aware that I have several projects that I have been doing for a long time and that one minute they are on and then the next they are off, deping upon what is going on in my private life.
We at this moment it's sad to say that all the various projects are off again.
The reason?
I simply don't have the time or the right software and also the expertise.
I will deal with each of the above separately
Its in very short supply at this time, as things in the private life have some how or other expanded to such an extent that it leaves nothing left for anything else, and boy have I tried to make spare time, but there does come a time when you do have to sleep.
Right Software
This is one that is proving to be a bit difficault, in thaat in years passed I used Dreamweaver version 1 to do all the websites, now for reason that I just don't understand the software does not work very well, or not a tall under Vista, and I can't not afford to buy a new version of Dreamweaver, it's just to expensive, hey I brought the first version for less than 10 pounds!
I have sorted out the FTP side of things, in that I have found a freeware programme that does everything that I need to do.
A little while ago I changed web hosts, this is allways a very scary thing to do, the experance has not been plsent in that the transfer from one host to another took some time, now I have an exact copy of all my websites eg the Dirk Maggs site, and the James Follett sites, when I uploaded them to the new host I made sure that the storage of the files and all the other stuff was the same.
The result?
My Dirk Maggs site has links that are broken! I don't know how or why they are broken as I have not changed anything, I have rechecked the site and I have also uploaded it more than once, I even went so far as to delete everything and re upload it all, the result the same! broken links
I am going to stop now before I start swearing
We at this moment it's sad to say that all the various projects are off again.
The reason?
I simply don't have the time or the right software and also the expertise.
I will deal with each of the above separately
Its in very short supply at this time, as things in the private life have some how or other expanded to such an extent that it leaves nothing left for anything else, and boy have I tried to make spare time, but there does come a time when you do have to sleep.
Right Software
This is one that is proving to be a bit difficault, in thaat in years passed I used Dreamweaver version 1 to do all the websites, now for reason that I just don't understand the software does not work very well, or not a tall under Vista, and I can't not afford to buy a new version of Dreamweaver, it's just to expensive, hey I brought the first version for less than 10 pounds!
I have sorted out the FTP side of things, in that I have found a freeware programme that does everything that I need to do.
A little while ago I changed web hosts, this is allways a very scary thing to do, the experance has not been plsent in that the transfer from one host to another took some time, now I have an exact copy of all my websites eg the Dirk Maggs site, and the James Follett sites, when I uploaded them to the new host I made sure that the storage of the files and all the other stuff was the same.
The result?
My Dirk Maggs site has links that are broken! I don't know how or why they are broken as I have not changed anything, I have rechecked the site and I have also uploaded it more than once, I even went so far as to delete everything and re upload it all, the result the same! broken links
I am going to stop now before I start swearing
Winter again
I think the season has changed and that it happened in the last 7 days as the light levels and the wind have both changed and some how or other I have even noticed this event.
I have so far lived through more than 40 season changes, but I think that this is the very first one in which I am aware of the exact week and I think day that I noticed the changes that herald the fact that here in the northern hemisphere winter is on it's way.
Now in some ways winters nice, by that I mean that without winter you would not know what summer is like, would you?
I know that there are folks who live in climates where it is almost the same all year long, I don't think I could cope with that, having been brought up in a country where the weather at nine in the morning can be completely different at twelve mid day.
So welcome winter, may you be short sweet and with no snow!
I have so far lived through more than 40 season changes, but I think that this is the very first one in which I am aware of the exact week and I think day that I noticed the changes that herald the fact that here in the northern hemisphere winter is on it's way.
Now in some ways winters nice, by that I mean that without winter you would not know what summer is like, would you?
I know that there are folks who live in climates where it is almost the same all year long, I don't think I could cope with that, having been brought up in a country where the weather at nine in the morning can be completely different at twelve mid day.
So welcome winter, may you be short sweet and with no snow!
02 October, 2009
Just want to record here that as far as I can tell there is no difference between Tanglefoot in a bottle and a Can, both taste great and both can tangle one's feett.
01 October, 2009
Low Light
I have noticed over the last few days when it was sunny that the intensity of the light when we get some is now much much less than it was just a couple of weeks ago.
Now I know that this is not to be unexpected as we are here in the northern hemisphere rushing towards the winter solstice or winter, but it's the fact that this year at least I have spotted it and have decided to record it here as a reminder to myself of this fact.
Now I know that this is not to be unexpected as we are here in the northern hemisphere rushing towards the winter solstice or winter, but it's the fact that this year at least I have spotted it and have decided to record it here as a reminder to myself of this fact.
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