28 November, 2010


So its cold, now at 10.00 its still only -1.9C at 8.00am it was -4.5C

Neal Stephenson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neal Stephenson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Found that this article on Neal Stephenson was a bit of an eye opener as it explains things about him the the books that he has written.

Its nice background material but in the end I don't really care for it that much as I mainly read his books to be entertained and nothing more.

I am sure that there are people out there who for various reasons like to pull a book apart and the author to try and explain how it all works, well good for them.


I just want to be entertained for a few hours or so.

27 November, 2010

Manual:Preventing access - MediaWiki

Manual:Preventing access - MediaWiki: "$wgShowIPinHeader = false;"

This is a page I found that explains and also provides information on how to lock down you wiki, well you never quite know when you might need it....

Dirk Maggs Wiki

Dirk Maggs Wiki

I find it hard to believe but someone for some reason joined this wiki of mine and then started to edit it so that it sent you to well doge websites.

I am pleased to say that their account no longer exists and all the bad stuff they did has been remove.

I did learn a lesson from all of this, trust no one, so now all the folks who want to join the wiki and want to edit it have to be approved by me.

hard lesson learnt.

23 November, 2010

Dirk Maggs Productions Website :: Home

Dirk Maggs Productions Website :: Home

I know, I am taking about my website again, but then it's my main website so why not, it's not as if I make any money from it.

Any way I have noticed just how many pages are still missing from the site, I am afraid it's far more than I would like, I will really have to find some time to sort it out.

I think when that's done, which at the rate I am going could be years, I will do another website book in Hardback.

Dirk Maggs Productions Website :: Home

Dirk Maggs Productions Website :: Home

What's a bit sad is that this is my main website, that has grown and developed over the last five years or so, it has a lot of content, a lot of it is unique and is not found anywhere else, in fact the site it's self is also a very rare one in that how many Radio directors do you know that have a website all about their work?

Exactly and it does not stop there on just how different the website is.

The sad bit is that Dirk Maggs does not appear these days to be doing much audio work on radio, I suspect it may have something to do with how radio is commissioned these days(by the BBC), and money being tight and all that, and also the BBC does not think listeners want to hear great audio that can make the listener think and get involved with the audio production in some way or other.

So the Dirk Maggs website has not had any work done on it for a long time, and to that, that earlier in 2010 there was that very bad and unfortunate destruction of the database and the many backups, it's not surprising that the site is not fully complete as it should be, on a side note, free time has dropped big time, which has also meant that I have been very time poor when it comes to working on the site.

But I intend to keep the site going even if there is little new material to put on it as I think it will one day be a great resource for someone , when they want to know just a little bit about the work a radio director did in the 80-2000's in the UK on the BBC.

I think what I want to do is deepen the articles that I have on it, which will mean that it will take years to do, which is great for a part time project.

I will have to get in contact with Dirk Maggs just to see if there are any more radio productions in the pipe line, or if it is the end of an era, and the passing of a great bit of classic radio production.

New Above & Beyond single and video announced

New Above & Beyond single and video announced This track or an earlier version of it has been one of my favourite tracks for a while, not sure if it the singer, the music or what but it always gives me goose bumps.

Now this version is even better at giving the old goose bumps, I suppose that as time goes by another tune will come along to replace this, but at this time this is one of my favourites.

Well worth a listen.

And if you are reading this and its not 2010 I can't guarantee that the links will still work, as nothing on the internet stays still these days for very long.

21 November, 2010

BBC - Earth News - Ancient seaweed is living fossil

BBC - Earth News - Ancient seaweed is living fossil

So if something is alive but very old in type or style then its described as a living fossil, I thought that the word fossil meant it was not alive.

20 November, 2010


I have been a bit slow in putting this Blog up and on to the site, but I have completed the reading of another non fiction book.

Its by Alice Beard and as far as I can make out its also going to or has been on the BBC.

The book is called Pompeii and it gives a lot of information and corrects lots of things that I thought were true are in the main not. But its a book that tended to drag a bit for me in the odd chapter. I did want to know more about this Roman town and I did, but it would for me have been nice to see it compared with other towns of the period just so you could understand where it stands in the Roman world.

What I did get from the book is just how much we still don't know and that not all of the town has been excavated .

Planet Calypso - Music

Planet Calypso - Music
I think this is music to surf by, as its not too distracting and is easy on the ears.

Not too sure about the game as it would I suspect eat into my free time in a big way.

07 November, 2010


Yes, it's something up until last week I had never heard of.

But it's very nice and very alcoholic.(nothing wrong with that?)

I would like to thank Nigella Lawson for pointing out and showing how to make this drink, all I need now is some hot summer sun, which in The UK could be a bit of a problem....

I have been asked by a reader how to make a Largerita. so I will put up another blog with the recipe I use and that works for me.

06 November, 2010

Mind Maping

Just got a book on Mind mapping just to see what all the talk is about it, and to see if its something I could use for my book writing and other creative things.

I did wonder though as all mind mapping seems to be in words or images, why can't I have mind mapping in sound?

Anyway the book is called The Mind Map Book and is by Tony Buzan, and so far, I am on page 21 its all going okay, I have not really learned anything new, I have been given another way at how the mind may or may not work which was interesting but as I am only right at the start of the book its really to early to say if its going to be something that is going to change how I get creative or not.

Book Read

I have finished another book by an author that I have read before, I can't decide if he is getting better at writing or not, but the fact is that I enjoyed the book and when I have found myself in Waterstones, like you do I have looked to see if there is a new book by him, so I suppose that does mean something.

The book is called "Almost a whale" an its a hard fact book on evolution and it is an update in a way to Darwin's book The Origin of Species.

Steve Jones I think does a good job in explaining what we have learnt from Darwin s time. One thing that surprised me was just how much stuff Darwin got right, even more so when you see the information that he had to work with. If nothing else it confirms to me just how good Darwin was.

Jones is an easy author to read and the examples of evolution at work are great and show to my mind at least that Darwin was right and has always been right on how evolution works and is still working.

Nothing Much

Its been some time since I have bloged, manly because I have had nothing I want to say, but the other reason could be that it now takes blogger so long to be ready for me to type something in.


I just don't know.

Any way here is a blog entry for what it is worth.

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...