31 December, 2013

Drink of the night

The drink of the night is......

London Pride by Fullers served cool but not chilled it tastes great and is a nice smooth drink. in fact the taste is rather hard to discribe as its rather a complex tasting ale which is one of the reasons that I like to drink it.

The other reason is that its a nice ale to drink and relax with, surely thats the only other reason to drink an ale?


food what to have on the last day of the year?

do you go for a curry? fish and chips or a sit down meal or as we are have a hotbuffet meal?

One thing that i can say  and confirm is that anything is better than nothing as at this time I am hungry. 

why are ipad cases expensive?

why are ipad cases so expensive from apple?

i could not belive the cost of a case for the ipad air, 65 quid why?

in the end i found a case that i like complete with a bluetooth keyboard for 25 quid and its leather. I am still trying to work out why the huge mark up from apple.

Things to be said

I have to admit that I seem to write more posts to this blog when I am not at work. I suppose because I have more free time, which allows me time to do something that I don't do enough of and that's to just think random thoughts.

I happen to think that a bit of random thinking does you good it allows your brain to just let go and not worry about things, that must be something that we all need. I am sure that day dreaming is good for you so I shall carry on free thinking or day dreaming when I have the chance.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is....

Coffee again and it's nice to have a relaxed cuppa before going out and about.

Last day of the year

So it's the last day of 2013 and I had a lie in again to 0700 am!

I know isn't great!

So I have only a few hours left to blog in this year, luckily I do have things I want to blog about today, so there will be more than one blog post today.

And why not is a day off for me and the weather is not great and there is not that much on the telly and I am not reading any books at this time so why not keep this notebook of mine going?

30 December, 2013


In an earlier post I said that I was having trouble reading any of the 17 books in my reading pile.

Well I have to report that today I brought a book and I have read it!

The book is called 1339 facts to make your jaw drop, I can report that it does have facts that will and did make my jaw drop and on more than one occasion.


Just had a look at my book reading pile and the news is not good I still have 17 books to read. For some reason I just don't seem to pic up a book and read it anymore.

 is it because I need glasses so that I can read the small print?

 Is it because the iPad takes up my free time? 

Is because I am lazy? Is it bacuse there is too much other stuff to do?

I don't know which or all of these is the reason all I do know is that I am not reading as many books as I used to. What's more annoying is that there are some great books in the pile that I do want to read!

Rain and rain

Wow there is a lot of rain today and it's rather cold which is something I really was not expecting but I suppose considering the time of year it should not be a surprise.

 The good news is that finally the nights are starting to get shorter and that is always good in my book.


Why is my spelling so bad and I have a spell checker......

Lie in

To day it had a lie to seven in the morning bliss!

End of the year

So the end of the year is approaching and there is very little of 2013 left.

I suppose there will be websites full of looking back at the year why?

Do will all suddenly forget what has just happend?


Just how much rain is there up in the sky at any one time?

Billion liters ?

I have yet to find an answer to this question.

28 December, 2013

American pancakes

So what to eat on a Xmas Saturday?

Yes that's right American style pancakes, which I have never made before.

I am happy to report that they turned out well and will have them again.


As you know I have an iPad air the 128Gb model, don't ask but it has a lot to do with composing music and writing books on it.

Anyway as I was saying I play very few games on the iPad mainly due to the fact that I get board or stuck or just plain loose interest in the game.

But one game that I do play is real racing three I am just good enough to get through a level or two, which is nice as getting stuck in a games sucks, I could emanation here that game call candy crush with I got stuck on a level for more than 2 months but I won't as it appears that I am not the only one to get stuck on a level. It also turns out that it's the main reason why people stop playing the game.

Any way back to real racing 3 which I seem to play at some level of competence it's fun and it's nice just to complete a race, wining is always also nice but for me that does not always happen.

I have found that the game is not fair in that to win on some of the events the car really needs to be fully tooled up and that cost game credits that you can win or buy with real cash. It goes without saying that if you don't win then you can't get the credits you need to upgrade your car.

As I moly play the game now and then I have so far not spent any real money, but I have spent hours and hours playing the game.

The other thing that is no about it is that they do updates and some of them have even good for me at the low level I am playing at.

So if you have an iPad. And you are bored why not download it and give it a go its free as long as you don't get greedy and want it all.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is.....coffee that's a real surprise not!

I just have to say that the coffee is one of those expensive fine ground instant ones, that have over the last year or so become popular for some reason or other.

I have a horrible feeling that they are really over priced fro what they are but, sadly I have to report they do taste better than the normal cheap instant coffee so may be that use better flavourings or something?

I don't know the answer all I do know is that it tastes nice and that's what I want in my coffee.

27 December, 2013

Today's meal

Don't normally record what meals I have but today it's cold gammon with homemade chips. This is normally something we have on Boxing Day but as we had our Xmas meal on Boxing Day everything has been shifted a day or so to the right.

Anyway cold home cooked gammon and home made chips are always very nice.

Boxing Day

Boxing Day was fun and the food was good

Year end

So it's nearly the end of the year and I am glad that I don't go to work until 2014!

24 December, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is....

London Prode a real ale that chilled just a bit is rather nice....

Read the reviews on the internet they do a better job than me.

It's just a nice real ale to have and on Xmas eve even better I can chill out.....

I think you need to chill out and as it's been a while since my last holiday why not?

21 December, 2013

Drink of the day

Today's drink of the day is.... Chocolate Carmel and very nice it is too. It's the first time I have tried such a drink and I like it.

Yesterday's drink of the day

The drink of the day for yesterday is... Old speckled hen which is a real ale, the good news is I brought a 5liter keg of it and it's very nice thank you very much.

Winter solstice

So today is winter solstice this is good news for me as I love light and these dark nights and mornings are doing my head in.

15 December, 2013

Pantomime time

Have just seen my first pantomime in a few years. And I have to say that it was rather fun.
The panto was at the new Victoria theatre at Woking and the panto is Cinderella we'll work going to just to hear all the kids and adults joining in.

08 December, 2013


I have for the first time in years been thinking about work while at home, this is not good and I want it to stop.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is..... Coffee

 and why not ?

It is good for you first thing in the morning.


Are you happy is this a question you ask yourself?

Shortest day

I see that the shortest day is not that far away this does make me happy as it means summer is on its way!

27 November, 2013

Water and iPads

It's come to my notice that condensation inside an iPad is not good. As the wife decided to use her iPad while having a long soak the condensation in the bathroom has some how managed to get into the iPad. The end result is that the iPad is now working its self with out the need for anyone to touch the screen.

This does of course make it a tad hard to use.

So before having to try and find the money to buy a new iPad, we are trying the old trick of dry rice in a bag with the iPad in it. So far it's been 24 hours, bit scared to get it out of the rice bag and see if it has worked.

But I suppose I will have to bite the bullet and see if it has done the trick.

If not I know what I am sadly going to be doing on Sunday......


Went on this today, I think I was a lucky chap in that the traffic was flowing freely.

19 November, 2013


So from tesoc I ordered the following whisky Dalwhinnie 15 year old but they did not have that and provided me with Highland park 12 year old which one is the better whisky?

18 November, 2013

Home made

Just a note to me that home made curry is always good, even if you can't be sure what you are going to get at the end of it all.

17 November, 2013


So the weather men are saying it's going to get colder. Not happy about this.

15 November, 2013


So sunrise was different to the sunset last night in that it was a red sky sunrise, which if you believe the old sayings means bad weather is due soon.

Other than that the red sunrise was nice to look at.

14 November, 2013


Tonight was one of those sunsets that has the clouds highlighted but not a lot of reds, mostly yellows. Either way it was a once sunset and that's alwYs good in my book.

11 November, 2013

San Francisco

San Francisco is a really nice place to visit, the things that I remember about it are the Golden Gate Bridge in fog  and the fact that in hot weather the main span between the towers sags by upto five feet!

That in strong winds the golden gate can sway by 27 feet!

San Franciso has 43 hills and covers 49 square miles. That the hills really are much steeper than they look on the tv or in the movies.

More later.

Roast chicken

The smell of roasting chicken is nice, probably not so good for vegetarians.


Wow it dark rather quicker than I thought it would do tonight. I suppose the fact that we are just a month away from the shortest day might have something to do with it.

10 November, 2013


Back from a beak in the USA. All was good Las Vegas is an interesting place and so is San Fransico more later.

18 October, 2013

Winter colds

I still hate winter colds and ones that take ages to get rid of. So I still have the lingering effects of the cold and a raw red nose just to add to the fun.

One the the coughing fits that I had did something to the mussels around my ribs because it hurts now when I cough, which is not good, so I can say I am not happy.

14 October, 2013

30 September, 2013


Really noticed this morning that sunrise is getting much later, had to have lights on to drive in at 7 today.

G Live

Went to G Live last night, and I must say the 20 odd million that it cost to build appears to have been well spent.

The show we went to se was called Jackson and was very good it was just sad that the place was not full but there were enough people there for it to be okay the lead singer called Ben was very good and seemed to have a lot of energy and appeared to. Be word and move perfect through all the songs.

I shall look out for more shows at G Live, the only snag with it is that old chestnut of parking, and the local council thinking that motorists should play through the nose for parking at night. Although saying that the parking was only 1.50 for the evening after a certain time.

28 September, 2013


So we have two cats and very nice they are, but lately the younger cat has taken to being rather aggressive in wanting his ears being scratched. How does he do this? By head butting you to get your attention and nudging you if you stop.

27 September, 2013


Just a small note to me that now that I have Ios7 installed for a week or more I really don't notice any changes in the way that it works other than it just works most things work the same or perhaps a bit better.

One thing that they still have not changed is that the screen keyboard still does not have cursor keys which makes it a pain when trying to correct a typing mistake as you often end up having to retype the whole word again.

For some reason there also appears to be two different coloured keyboards why?

Any way for me it works which more than can be send for some of the apps that I use on it.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is.....


I don't think I need to say anything more do I?


At last the weekend is nearly here, and I must say that I need the lie in even if it's only until 7am!

22 September, 2013

Grey sky

So all that we have had this weekend is grey sky all week end no less!

It's not cold just dull grey

21 September, 2013


Still reading which is good, currently have two books on the go. The first book I have been reading for some weeks now and is called The A303 Higway to the sun this book is okay to read but for some reason I have found that parts of it are not what I wanted to read about eg there is politics about road building ect when all I want to know about is the A303 and it's history, but apart from that it's interesting in that some of the places you pass through on the A303 are places that have a history even if they don't or did not change history.

The second book that I am currently also reading is an anthology of science fiction stories which date to the last thiry or so years the book is in kindel format and so far the stories are ones that I have never read but there are stories by authors that I have read before if that makes sense?

As a book goes it's huge 700 pages and the cost on the kindel 39 pence! I know!
At that rate even if half the stories are not to my liking it really does not matter as I am sure I will have read more that I do like.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is......


Yes again! 

20 September, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is.....


Why not?

It always some how hits the spot.

iOS 7

So I have taken the plunge and have upgraded my iPad to the new so, it works and has given me more memory. What I find hard to believe is that people are having problems with how to use it why?

It's the same as before just that it looks much nicer!

15 September, 2013


Tanglefoot is a real ale that comes in cans and bottles. It's a strong ale but it is easy to drink and has a nice complex taste, which is the reason that I like to drink it.

The thing is does it come in draft, and if it does does it have a differ in flavour to cans and bottles? 

Does it have a different strength?

I don't know the answer to these questions.

All I do know is that it's nice to drink.


I have been able to do some reding which is nice, it's something that I have always enjoyed, so it's great that I am getting the time to do some reading and also that I am having fun and reading stuff that I have wanted to do for some time.

Mostly at this time I am reading on the iPad using the kindle programme, which for some reason is better and easier to use than the iBook programme.
No a clue it's just what I have found that works for me.

So I am glad to be reading again after months of not reading.


Sleep is something that when we don't get enough of it we miss it, so I am missing sleep I think I need at least 6 hours a night to function okay the next day.

I know some people need more sleep and other less but it appears for me 6 hours is just about right.

09 September, 2013

Lost light

Just noticed tonight how dark it's getting so early in the evening. This means I suppose that  autumn  is due soon.

08 September, 2013

Post holiday

Well holiday is over and that's not good as I have gotten used to the idea of having a lie in to 7am!

03 September, 2013


It's funny but we had our daughter and boyfriend say for a couple of days with us on our short break and she went home to today, don't tell her this but I missed my daughter !

It's a very strange sensation missing one of your grown up children!

It can not put into words the feeling of loss ? That one has

It's even stranger in that daughter live with boyfriend a and has now done so for so e time but still I feel a loss when she went home!

Is this normal!

I think it's something that all parents who are close to the kids feel but how you describe it to others is the problem!

So I shall say it here for me to look back on when I am older I miss my kids.  


How to relax?

I don't know how to relax but after a couple of days when I have no alarm clock telling me when to wake up I find myself awake at 7 in the morning instead of 5 so I suppose that's what a lie in is called.

The fact that I am also not wearing a watch and constantly checking the time must I think mean that I am relaxing, if this is the case then I am relaxed.

Hot tub

Why is it that a hot tube is just so nice after a long walk?

I don't know the answer but I do know that I can recommend a hot tube after a long walk especially if you end up 1377 ft higher than when you started!


So it's the ninth month of the year and I find myself on a short break and very relaxing it is too

29 August, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is ..... Pepsi max and nice it is with ice and a tall glass to enjoy it from.

Making money on amazon

Do people make money on amazon if they entire books that are not self help and not fiction?

I have not yet found an answer to this question....

Projects to think about

One of the projects I have been thinking about and have talked about here is undergoing a slight change in that imam thinking that a ten book project may be the way to go.

The problem with this great idea is that I don't yet have 10 projects or books that I want to do!

I have several that I have spoken about here before but not ten.

I was also thinking of putting them on the amazon kdp system. With that in mind I have joined it almost.

I say almost as there are a lot of tax questions to answer, and not being from the USA a lot of the questions don't make much sense. I rather like the idea that they think I am going to sell shed loads of books....

Sadly I know that that will never happen as non fiction books just don't sell in that kind of numbers, and as my books are also not self help the market for my kind of non fiction books must be small, but you can only write what you are interested in and sadly I am not a fiction writer or a self help writer.

Any way so it looks like I shall have to answer more strange questions aimed at people who live in the USA and also come up with more book ideas.

I have to admit to reading some books on how to publish on the kindle and it looks like I can do most of the things they suggest apart from the fact that I don't write fiction or self help books which are some of the biggest sellers on amazon!


Nice what's nice?

Well I shall soon have a break from work for a few days and that is always good, and I must admit that I do need it.

As is usual on these sort of things I shall be having a lie in in the mornings at least to seven in the morning!

Yeah a real lie in, I say this because I will not sleep much later than this even if I try real hard...

18 August, 2013


I have had a couple of ideas for a series of small snooks, which would be a fun project to do. I don't think they have any commercial value but they would be fun to write. The other thing would be the amount of research that I would have to do for each of them.

I have looked if I could put them in a format so that any device can read them, sadly it looks like kindle is the way to go these days but and this is something I will have to check is can you give your books away for free?

Does amazon like the idea of people giving away books, as it means they don't get to make any money. As I don't expect to make any money it's not a problem for me.

So you may be asking what are the series of books then?

Well, the first series of books would be on citrus fruits, the second series would be on the worlds favourite four drink that are not alcoholic the last series of books would be on the top five metals in the world.

As you can see each series is very different from the other, with lots of research needed.

I don't know how long these books in each series would be but I a thinking that ten to fiery pages is looking good.

I think I shall have to give theses ideas a bit more thought and see if they are do able.

17 August, 2013


Currently read a book called Electric Sheep by Alex Boese the first part of the book was very good but the second part I have struggled with, for me it just does not flow as well as part one.

Other than that its a nice read.

06 August, 2013


Has summer now happened?


I think it's still going on but it's now back to being a standard British summer!

05 August, 2013


I have to be a little bit proud of myself in that I have managed to finally after months of trying managed to finish a book, I am so happy that I managed this.

It still leaves me with ten or more books that I have to read some of them I got to page ten or so and then for one reason or another gave up.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is......


And as I have said here many times why not?!


New word of the day for something that I think aloof use have and do do on or even several times a day and that knowledge storage.

It's a strange word ontology all them o just look strange to me.

01 August, 2013

Hot plume

The weather people earlier in the week said and this was as it was raining cats and dogs that on Thursday we would have very high temps of 33 or more centigrade and you know what?

They were right!

I know scary......

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is....

Innis & gunn oak aged beer the original 

I must admit that this is a beer that is hard to get hold of and that it needs to be about 4 centigrade when you drink it otherwise the beer is not at its best to drink. It's a strong beer 6.6 percent but for all that its a nice beer to have now and then.

New month

A new month already!

Where did the time go?

Well time to get on and enjoy

30 July, 2013

BBQ in the rain

BBQ in the rain make sure the umbrella that you use stops the rain hitting the grilling plate, and try to hold the umbrella at an angle so that the hot air rise not into your face.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is..... Tea with milk and no sugar, and why not its a good way to start the day.

Dark sky

So it's all change gone is the blue sky now it's Gerry skies and dark....

25 July, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is.....

Orange squash with fizzy water and ice and its nice, not very very nice just nice.

BBQ Saturday

So our second attempt to have a BBQ this summer with the family does not look to good, the first one got stopped due to rain and the very high winds, this Saturday it's forecasting rain!

Just can not win with the weather here in the UK!

It's no use moaning about it as that's just the way the weather is here in the UK.


Still warm which is nice as long as the humidity stays low, as feeling like you are melting is never good.

Live book

Not to sure if live book is working correctly, should it take more than 3 days to index 600GB of data?

23 July, 2013

Nikon flash

The new flash is working well with the d600 what more do I have to say?

My book live

My book live is working again, in hot weather don't leave it stuck in a cupboard without ventilation. Took ages to get the computer to see the drive again, in the end turning the drive on and off worked!

It's still indexing after two days I know I have a lot of of files on the drive, it does not help that I have 250000 files on the drive I suppose !

New phone

Finally got the discount from O2 fourth attempt.


Still rather hot 31 centigrade 

17 July, 2013

New phone

So I have a nice new phone a galaxy s4 the UK version, so not as hi spe'ed as what the rest of the world gets for some reason, the good news is that we are charged more for this than anyone else... Yeah go figure!

The is good the speed is good and the screen is nice, it is a bit of a change from a Nokia but I am sure that I will get used to it.

I already have my kindle software on it and its great being able to read my books anywhere.

I have been looking at plugging in extra memory into it to make it a bit future proof, so I have found that the s4 can use sdxc cards so I am looking for the largest one of them to install.

15 July, 2013

New phone

So finally I have a new phone, no thanks to the module companies making it so confusingly as to this tariff   and that-tariff    when all I want to to do was have a new phone that just works.

1 hour to get a new phone and I had to pay 50 quid for it.

So I have a s4 just hope it will last 24 years.


So for the first time we went to ascot on Saturday. It was a great day even though I am not really into horse racing. Saw seven races and was impressed by just how quick a horse race is. The only sad thing was to see a horse pulled up lame right in front of  the main grandstand.

The good news about all of this was the speed at which the horse was sorted out.

As for betting I think not is good for me as it does not do anything for me.

The other thing about ascot was the numbers of people there! Lots and lots is not really telling you just how many people they were there but thousands is a good start.

So people watching is something you end  up doing at a place like ascot and I did see things and sights that will be with me for years.....

03 July, 2013

Going Tivo

So I have bitten the bullet and have gone Tivo on my Virgin media service. Due install next Monday I get a speed increase from 20Mb to 60Mb .

My service charge goes down  3 pounds a month! while my internet speed goes up.

Only bad thing on the deal is that Virgin want you to use their super-hub 2, which when you read reviews on it are if you get a good one its really good and if you get a bad one then you are going to have a bad day.

So only time will tell which we are going to end up with.

On the speed front Virgin say they give me 20Mb and guess what? they do! and its more than 90% of time that speed so I hope that the 60Mb I am paying for will be just as good.

01 July, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is .....


Why not?

It's a nice drink and an a lot of the world seem to agree with me and drink it as well, so that's not so bad is it?


What is happy?

Is it the opposite of not happy?

Do you have a right to be happy?

I know silly questions to which I don't have the answers but I wanted to record these stupid questions somewhere, so that perhaps one day in the future I can have a look at all these questions and see if I have any answers to them.

Flash gun

So I have this nice Nikon 600 but don't really have a flash gun that can keep up with the camera. The good news is that I have been paid my bonus this year and I have enough money for a flash gun and a new iPad.

As the iPad 5 will not come out to October this year that only leaves the flashgun. Luckily I know just the flash gun that I need and it's a speed light 910 made by Nikon, why its so expensive I don't have a clue but from reading the reviews it appears that you really do get a lot for your money. I will soon see, as soon as it gets delivered.

The iPad 5 is supposed to come out in October, it had better have more storage, as 64gb is not enough, I know they do an iPad 4 with 128gb, but I will need something with more storage than that as it will have to last 2 to 3 years before I can buy another one.

Month 7

So it's already month 7 it doesn't feel like it but I just hope we can have a few warm days as a sort of summer this year.

26 June, 2013

Gallery programme

I have a web host who offer one click installs, and nice that it is I am beginning to wonder when the last time they carried out an update of the programmes that they provide.

Why you may ask?

Well I wanted a quick and diry install to have somewhere to easily show off the pictures I took at daughters engagement party.

As I did not want to go to the trouble of installing a database and all the work that that can entail I saw in the one click section that they had a gallery programme that required no database. Which is just what I was looking for.

It installed no problem, I found that the 600 photos had to be reduced in size as they were far to large for the programme and the upload to the Internet as each image is some 24mb in size, so it would take some time to upload, and more importantly it would also take a while to download, and as I don't know what kind of connection or device people are using to get at the photos it made sense to down size them.

So I have gallery 1.6 working on my machine it appears to date back to the 2000's?

I am not sure what date it goes back to, the main thing is it works, I just hope it has not got to many security holes and stuff in it, and that's the point of this blog post. 

Is okay to offer one click installs but shouldn't they be up-to date so as to reduce the chances of the bad people using an old exploit ?

The good news is that the gallery will only be on the net for a short time, just long enough for all to see the pictures before I delete it.

25 June, 2013

Engagement party

So my daughter had her engagement party it was fun and it was great to meet loads of new people from his side of the family.

20 June, 2013

Nigella 3

So still the newspapers here in the UK seem to have lots of time in following Nigella Lawson and what has happened to her and what she is doing now.

I can not understand all this interest in her, does she deserve all the attention? 

I am sure she does not want it. 

In fact I suppose her life must be s@@@ at this time what with her private life splattered all over the media, it's not a good place to be.

How is she and her children coping with all of this?

I know that if it were me I would have trouble coping with it all, maybe it's time for her to have a break from the media and time to think about it all and what if any changes she needs to make to her life.

19 June, 2013


Just happened to have an odd thought about grass and that is that we really do take it for granted, the thing that struck me was how come we still have it?

Why I ask this question is the fact that we do are upmost to cut it short to within an inch or less of its life yet still some how it's here and produces seed somehow.

How often have you seen your lawn grass flower?


I can't remember the last time I saw lawn grass flowering, maybe it only. Flowers at night for several hours and then returns to normal in the morning, I know I know it doesn't but I do know that there is a cactus that does just that for one night of the year. It relies on night pollinators to do the job and to get the job done it also uses scent otherwise nothing would find it.

Any way grass I love all the greens that it can be in and the fact that it is better than seeing dirt.

18 June, 2013

Nigella 2

So Nigellagate carries on, I notice that her twitter feed is silent at this time, which I suppose is not a surprise I just wonder where do you go to get out of the limelight when your face is well known and is also all over the tv and the Internet .

And that when you do break cover every man and his dog with a camera will be trying their upmost to photograph you

I don't know the answer to these questions, I just hope that who ever is helping her has worked it all out.

Sunshine and BBQ

I have found a new law of this part of the universe and that is if you are looking forward to a BBQ then the weather will be bad..........


If I was rich would I lead my life any different?

The answer has to be yes

Trouble is that I keep changing my mind on just how many different things I would want to do if I was rich.

As I am never going to be its a great game to play in your head.

Dirk Maggs Website

So for personal reasons I have not had the time to update the Dirk Maggs website now for sometime, part of the reason is that after spending ten hours a day on a computer the last thing that I appears I want to do is work on the computer at home.

This is sad as I like updating my websites 

Perhaps my mojo will come back and I can do something about my websites?

Converting flvs

So is there a programme that will let me convert FLV files to something that will play on my iPad?

I have tried format factory and it does not like the FLV files one bit.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day to day is....Pepsi Max with ice and lemon and nice it is too.

It would be nice if it was a bit warmer but I suppose you can't have everything.

Personal Cloud part 2

The personal cloud is working well I have used 18percent of the 3TB so far. I just wish that I had gotten  a gigabit router as it would make streaming content much better.

Oh well these are I suppose things that you learn.


So the pictures of Nigella Lawson being grabbed by the throat by her husband are all over the Internet and also on the telly. I suppose that in the heat of an argument things can get out of hand, but the thing that has upset me most is seeing this woman looking so sad and I think very scared, this is made so much worse by the fact that on the food Chanel you can see her looking very happy and smiling and having everything to live for.

I wonder how she is coping with all the attention, for something that only happened by chance and for it to get caught on camera, I suspect that the camera man was there on spec just waiting to see if any famous people would turn up to eat at the cafe, I bet he could not  believe  his luck!

So is Nigella okay?

How does she now cope with all of this? 

and what happens to her when she is seen in public again?

I would hope that her and her husband sort out their relationship, but does she give an interview?

 if it was me the answer is no as its a private matter.

I suppose that in time we will find out what is going to happen to both of them.

I am begining to think that the media attention is going to be far worse than the argument!

The only thing is that the image of her looking scared and upset has gotten into my head and I am having trouble clearing it from my head.

17 June, 2013


So with the new BBQ built and so far used just twice will we get any weather that will let us us it again?

It will be interesting to see when the weather will let us.

Cloud server

Just a note to me that I have used 17 percent of the 3TB drive.

Longest day

So in a few days it will be mid summer, some how this year it just does not seem right that mid summer is already here and we have not had the weather to enjoy it.

Oh well that's the way the world works sometimes.

15 June, 2013

My cloud server

So I have my own cloud server, so far it's not been as I expected it to be, mainly as I appear to have mixed up a media server with a could server.

Oh well back to the drawing board

08 June, 2013


So I had the delight of building the new BBQ it took rather a long time as one of the screws for part of it proved very difficult to screw into the metal work due to the fact there was very little room for it.

But in the end we have got a working BBQ and that's all that counts.

04 June, 2013

Personal cloud

As I said in an earlier post on this blog I have brought myself a 3TB cloud drive and so far all has been well and it works.

Just a couple of things that I don't like are that the media player that it comes with does not seem to know many video types.

The second thing is that the IOS apps are a little bit flakey and that sometimes it fails to see the shares on the cloud drive, it see's the drive but not the shares on it.

So far I have only put 300GB on it, sadly most of the video files fail to play due to the media servers shortcomings.


Finally more than two days with blue sky and sunshine, it could even be a record this year with the weather we have been having here in the UK.

30 May, 2013


Rain, rain and more rain it could start to get you down.

29 May, 2013

Personal cloud

So I have taken the plunge an brought myself a 3TB hard drive to use as my personal cloud, that way I have total control over my files and all of that sort of stuff.

Only thing is after I ordered it and paid for it I then started to read reviews on it, if you start to take all the reviews seriously then I don't think anyone would buy anything, I do wonder if some of the reviews are written by people who don't even have the item that they are reviewing!

So I have got myself a WD Live Drive it will be interesting to see just how many of the reviews are right and how many are wrong.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is.....

Pepsi Max with lots of ice, I know the weather here in the UK is not very warm or sunny but a pint of ice cold Pepsi Max just does a good job.

25 May, 2013


So it's very near to the end of May so why are we having temperatures of 4 centigrade ?

I know strange, but that's how the weather is these days. 

19 May, 2013


Why is it so hard to move 2000 photos from the iPad to the computer?

17 May, 2013


Brought a some more books, it's like an addiction for me I must now have some 10 or more books to read that I also want to read but for some reason or another I have not read. These are book that I have looked forward to as well.

So the books that I brought yesterday where the new Dan Brown book which I believe is not just written by him I think his wife has a lot to do with the books but for some reason she does not get co author tagged, which is sad as she clearly can write or come up with plot twists or something, maybe one day it will be revealed just how much a partnership the books were.

Anyway I have his new book which here in the UK came out on my birthday, I have yet to even look through the book but from what I have heard else where it's been written like a screenplay for what that's worth, the only thing I want to know is is it a good story? Will I be entertained?

The other book I brought is on a road called the A303 which here in the UK is famous as the road that leads to the west and it goes past Stonehenge, the road is only 90 miles long but it does go through some great countryside and is one of the roads that I have traveled down many a time, in fact I had to travel down it to get to Newquay.

The last book I brought I think is the second to last book that Ian Banks will ever have printed its called stone mouth and looks like it will be a good read. You may ask why I can state that it is the second to last book by Ian banks the reason is sad but true in that he has terminal cancer with less than six months to live, he will be sadly missed as some of the books he has written have been good reads with great stories.

The sea

Sea watching is fun especially when it's a nice day, there always appears to be something going on.


It's nice to have a day when I can do nothing if I want to.

13 May, 2013


Not sure if I have ever recorded what I have had for breakfast before, or even why I should recorded what I have had for breakfast, but when on holiday a fried breakfast for some reason or other always tastes nice and does really set you up for the feast of the day.


So it's the right time of the year for it to be warm and there to be lots of sunshine. I at this time in Cornwall where by rights it's should be warm with lots of that stuff called sunshine.

So you can guess what we are having down here at this time?

Yes it grey cloudy very windy and cold, single figure cold..

I just can't figure out the weather this year.

09 May, 2013


So everyone has them, birthdays that is and I have one this month in a few days, the thing is that I am not that excited about it, I can remember when I was younger being very excited about having a birthday, but now it's really another day.

I suppose as you get older and the years pass by the fact that you are a year older is just one of those things that happens to you.

08 May, 2013


May then, and the weather has been a bit up and down, but better than it has been and that's all that counts.

03 May, 2013

Bank holiday

So it's bank holiday weekend so will it be wet or will it be dry?

I don't know the answer but it will be fun to see what happens.

01 May, 2013

iPad 4

I wonder if apple has brought copies of what the over makers of tablets produce, just so they can see where they need to go if they want to stay in business.

I think it's sad that apple appear from where I am sitting in the sunshine if you must know, that they are coming across as we know better than our users and this is what we are going to give you even if its not as good as what the rest of the market if offering and what's more we shall charge you a lot of money to own our product that is already falling behind what the market is already producing.

I hope apple don't fall into this trap as I happen to like the iPad but as you use it more and more there are some things on it that just start to get you a bit pissed off with some of the designs that apple have in in the pursuit of profit.

One of the things that I don't like is that 64G is not enough memory or storage I need more than this so why can't I just plug a memory card into the machine?

Why does the keyboard have no cursor keys? Is that apple employees never have to backspace more than once?

I don't know the answer to these questions?

My last thought is why is the gallery so poor in options to filter and sort? Why is there no facility to make folders? So I can store my pics by date or subject without them all being in the photo roll ?

Again I don't know the answers to these questions, perhaps I should do some looking on the Internet to see what others have said about the choices apple made when making the iPad?

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is.....

Pepsi Max with ice and lemon and very nice it's is in the warm sunshine and the blue sky thank you very much.


Today was a sunshine day and very nice it was to.

30 April, 2013

Blog posts

So I notice that its the last day of April, it does not feel like it, I suppose part of the reason for that is that this year winter just dragged on and on and I must admit I was starting to wonder if it would ever end.

The good news is that it has but I can't say that the seasons feel right, it feels like the reason has slipped a month or so or so it seems to me, but then what do I know about the weather and the seasons we are meant to have here in the northern hemisphere, I sure that I can't be the only person to have seen the way that the Seasons are appear to be getting late or even not started right.

Any way I am glad that spring appears to be napping now, and that's good.

Blue sky

Finally some blue sky and strong sunlight, nice that's what it is....

28 April, 2013

Girly girl

Are there such girls as girly girls?

If there is such a girly girl i have yet to meet one.

Are they something that is made up by the media?

If they are real what are they like to live with?

As I have never meet one I don't have any answers to the above questions.

Perhaps the thing for me to do is have a look on the I telnet and see what comes up!

Drink of the day

So the drink of the day is water!

I know but sometimes that's all that you need is a drink of water.


What is happy?

Can you tell me what happy is?

I know when I am happy but is that the same thing for you?

I know it's a stupid question but sometimes you have to ask yourself these questions it's all part of the joy of being alive.

23 April, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is one that I have never had before in my life, it's called cusquena and its an inca beer, it's nice but I think it has to be served cold, I drank mine warm....

17 April, 2013


As you may not knowi written a few items on chemistry, which is a subject that has always interested me since I was as all person. Now that I am a bigger person I am still interested in chemistry, not sure why that is but that's how it is.

Any way because I like chemistry some time ago I wrote a few books and articles on various bits of the periodic table that interested me in one way or another.

I have just had cause to go back and have a look at what I have produced and I am amazed at just how much stuffing wrote!

I am thinking that I might set up a wiki with all the stuff I have written but in an easy way to look at the various version of the items I wrote. This is something I shall have to think about.


Can you feel emm?

I do today, not too sure why....

16 April, 2013


Playing with wampserver just found that it does not like copper mine the gallery programme loads of errors, but it works. Lots of errors on stuff being static which sadly I don't have a clue about, then to top all of it off it does not like half the images that i am trying to upload into copper mine. What is strange the same images load into Gallery 3 with no problems.

I suspect that copper mine might need some more setting up, which is something gallery does not need.

15 April, 2013


Just a note to me that Hawthorn leaves when they first appear are a lovely light green.

14 April, 2013

Semantic wiki

So as you know of you have read my blog I have in the past played with a semantic wiki and as you know it did not go to well in that some how or over I managed to loose all the hard work I did in creating the wiki.

Well the news is that my luck with a semantic wiki has not changed and I have so far failed in my attempts to install a wiki on my local server, even though the semantic software is much more up-to date for some reason or other I just can not yet get it to work.

Oh well there is always another day.


Are you happy?

13 April, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is,

Bavaria. And very nice it is too, just make sure that you have it cold, not ice cold as that does not work so well, for some reason it looses it taste some what.


Having a play with wampserver, so far it's working we'll.

09 April, 2013


So it's wet now which is what I think April weather should be about here in the UK.

08 April, 2013

Give blood

So I gave blood today, which is something I have done many times. At this time I have given 126 units which is a great total if I do say so myself.

So do some thing amazing give a unit of blood.


Where has the sun gone, one day of blue sky and now it does a dissapearing act.

07 April, 2013

Odd Thoughts from a High Desk: How to make a Largerita ( Updated Content)

Odd Thoughts from a High Desk: How to make a Largerita ( Updated Content)

Books to be read

I have noticed that I have some how ended up with a pile of books to read, how did that happen?


Does the hour hand on a clock break the speed of sound when you are not looking?


I note to me, podcast above and beyond just as good as 5 years ago, that's right 5 years.......

Reading Blogs

Reading Blogs just how many do people read in a day, week or month?

I asked myself this question today as I noticed that I have a list of blogs that I visit on a semi regular basis and enjoy what the various authors choose to write about.

As some of these authors live in different parts of the world their outlook on the world is different from mine and its nice to see their world through their eyes.

Some of the authors are a different sex to me and so the way they see and interact with the world is also different from mine, saying that can you really tell from reading a bit of text if the author is male or female?

I know I can't unless the author is taking about something that is very female orientated like the experience of giving birth and what that feels like from their perspective.

Some of the Blogs I read are on subjects far removed from my way of life, but the authors have a great way with words and I have learnt stuff that I would never have known anything about.

So of the blogs that I have read have been on items that to me here in the UK are so direr rant that I have had trouble understanding why and how things can be so different.

I have read blogs on photography that have help me become better at taking photos and also better at enjoying looking at photos and also teaching me at least a little bit on why some photos are better looking to me than others.

I have also wish that some of the photos I have seen I wished that I had taken them, or that I knew the model or the place they were taken.

Blogs are on the whole another window into a world that as I get older is even more amazing that I could have ever thought.

Some of the blogs I have read are by people who are one sex but for reasons that I don't think anyone Truley understands want to live part or all their life in the other sex. The things that I have picked up from this are the hurt and pain that they suffer for something they did not ask for and also the hate and just dam right nastiness that they also have to put up with.

Some of the blogs are sad and some are very happy, it's amazing just how people cope with all the trouble placed on their shoulders.

I have learned new words while reading these blogs and have learned that their is no such thing as two genders just as there is no such thing as black and white, the world truly is grey and it appears that this grey is all over the place and in all the different things that we do each day.

Has reading these king of blogs changed me?

The answer has to be yes, as my eyes have been opened to the fact that there are lots of different ways to be happy in your life, but if you are only slightly different from everyone else then for some reason you are singled out and treat differently when all you want to do is enjoy your life without stress and hurt.

Other blogs that I have read have been funny, other sad others have been so different that I have had to book mark them and come back to them when I have an understanding as to what they were talking about.

It goes without saying that there have been many blogs that were just there to sell something and some are just about sex..

So will I still read these blogs?

Yes is the answer, as these dirrerant blogs show me a world that for one reason or another I would never get to see or hear about and surly that makes be a better person with a better world view?

Drink of the day

The drink of the day to day is....

Coffee and why not, not an instant coffee mind you but one of them fancy pod coffee's which has a name that at this time I can't remember as I am know-where near the machine or the pods.

All I can say is that the coffee was very nice thank you very much and it did the job.


Well we have had some sunshine and to make it even more of a surprising weekend we have also had some blue sky. Sad to say that the blue sky did not last long but it was great to see it even if it was only for a short time.

So I ask myself is this finally the start of spring?

The answer I suppose will come in the next week or so if the weather starts to warm up to where it should be for this time of year in the UK.

05 April, 2013


Is it worth buying shares in the company you work for if you can afford it?

04 April, 2013


So will the. Weathermen get it right and we get a bit more spring like weather?

Only time will tell.

03 April, 2013

Iain Banks

So have just heard the sad news that one of the authors that I like is going to die this year due to the cancer that he has got. This is sad as I have spent many an hour reading his books and enjoying the different worlds that he created and also enjoying the stories that he told in his worlds that he made.

59 is not old and I think he has written 20 odd books and has enjoyed his life his way, I notice from the news that he has just got married for the second time to his lady partner of many years, I wonder how she is holding up with this sad news and that her marriage may not last as long as they both wanted, how do you cope with this kind of news?

I know that it is something that I dread being told that the one you love and want to be with is soon going to leave you forever, what do you do?

I don't know the answer and I don't want to find out either, I just wish them both as happy times as they can have in the time left and hope that she gets some great memories of the good times.

To Iain I say thank you for the entertainment you have provided me through your books.


There are rumours from the weathermen that early next week we might have a start to spring, this would be good I think.


Today had a nice sunrise in that I could see the sun, which has been rare around here for the last few weeks and also it was a lovely red orange ball, which I have not seen for even more weeks.

Then the weather men ruin it all by saying that here in south England expect snow showers!

I mean why?

I have started to think that 5 months of winter is just too long I want a hot day without having to put loads of clothes on just to stay warm in April!

02 April, 2013


Not used to it but we had sunshine today, even if I had to scrape the car windows this morning.

31 March, 2013


So some very good news is that daughter has got engaged and I am very happy for her.

Drink of the day

The drink of the day is.... Pepsi max with ice and lemon, nice to drink while stuck indoors with the heating on at Easter at the start of British summer time......

Hot cross buns

I have had the pleasure ? Of having some hot cross buns and from more than one shop,the thing is none of them are what I call great to eat, I have a feeling that if I ever get the chance to have real hot cross buns they will taste completely different to what I have had.


So it's Easter the clocks have now moved forwards because its summer time and its cold just 4 centigrade so stuck indoors with the central heating still on....

Arh summer or spring or winter I wish the weather would read the script and get on the right page.

28 March, 2013

DJ Studio

dJ studio is an app on the iPad which is as the name suggests is a dj mixes app and I have to say I have had some fun with it , I now have a way of getting my mixes off the iPad and into the big wide world which is something that the app it's self does not do a good job of in my mind.

But the biggest problem with the app now is lack of new content as I can not import my own samples I am stuck with what the app provides and I am sad to say that they are getting stale.

Drink of the day

The dink of the day today is and you are not going to believe this ....Bravia zero alcohol I know it's strange but this zero alcohol beer really to my taste buds tastes okay and that's all that matters.


Finally brought an app called audio copy and it just works and has solved my problem of getting my mixes out of dj studio and into the big wide world.
I am being to think that dj studio has stopped being updated as its so long since the last update.


So Easter is here four days rest is always good.


Finally Easter is here, so you can guess what the weather is going to be like. Yes your right it's going to be horrid.

18 March, 2013


I think I have seen signs of spring here. I can't be sure but I have seen that the moss under some tree that I go by has turned a lighter green, it was not like that a week or so ago.

16 March, 2013

Apple apps

I have been having some fun with a new app on the iPad called real racing 3 apart from it just being set up to take money from you I have enjoyed racing badly around the different tracks. Best of all is that it is free and if you have the time the money grabbing side of it will not ruin your game play, it just takes longer to play.


So this blog is not dead but I have to admit that I have not made many posts as I have not had much I want to say and also that I have started to do some reading for the first time in a long while.

So as I am reading I am going to enjoy it while I can.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

12 March, 2013

Not much

For some reason I have very little I want to say at this time

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

24 February, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the Amy today is..... Coffee and why not its always good, if you buy decent coffee....


Funny how music can make things better.


It's turned rather cold I am not happy about this as I thought ring was due soon.

19 February, 2013


Just managed to totally destroy the new website that I have been working on for the last week, gutted is one of the words that I have just used.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

16 February, 2013

Concrete 5

Just having a go at using concrete 5 as a crm to see if it can be used as a replacement for my current static websites.

I will let you know here how I get on.

12 February, 2013

Dirk Maggs website

Finally done some work on the Dirk Maggs website added new production due to be broadcast early 2013

Pancake day

So it's pancake day today here in the UK, I am told that sugar and lemon on pancakes is not known in the USA is this really true?

11 February, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is ....

Summer punch by Schweppes I know now why it's on special offer!

Even when served cold with ice, to me it just does not taste right, is has a sort of sour taste to it that I just don't like.

10 February, 2013

Dirk Maggs Productions Website

So after rather a long time I have updated the Dirk Maggs Productions website, spent over an hour or so doing so. The thing is that the end result, when you look at it does not look much different from what I started with.

But and its a big but the main thing is that I have updated the site.

This is good news as I was starting to think that I would never update the site again, that I had lost interest in it.

I have not lost interest but its a sad fact that there is not a lot of new information to add to the site anyway, as the BBC don't appear these days to do radio plays.....

Drink of the day

The drink of the day, well actually yesterday is Bavaria 0.0%

Yes that's right it is a larger with no alcohol !

much to my surprise its actually okay as a drink, but and its a big but their are two things you must do before drinking this that are essential.

So my two rules are;

One the larger must be served cold, not ice cold but just cold.

Two make sure you have not had anything sweet to eat or drink, as this tends to muck up your taste buds for hours and that is the last thing you want when drinking low or zero alcohol drinks.

Also make sure you have not had any soft drinks especially the low or no sugar ones, as there appears to be some sweetness in there that just takes you taste buds out for hours.

So if you have followed rules one and two, then the end result is that this drink is okay.

 The larger does to me taste like a larger but just  with no alcohol  some folks say that you need the alcohol as it deepens the taste, I am not too sure, what they mean by this but in my case as long as I follow rules one and two then drink zero alcohol larger it all works for me and at the end of the day that's all that matters.

08 February, 2013

Drink of the Day

The drink of the day today is....


Yes I know but it really is a great drink, of course it has to have milk in it, full fat is best and it also has to have no sugar in it, as with sugar in it all you appear to taste is the sugar and not the tea!


Just when I was starting to think that we are on our way to spring the weather people are now saying that it could snow on Sunday ?


I want spring and I want it now

I am getting tired of all this cold weather, I want a BBQ and sunshine, I want to have to wear my sunglasses.

I suppose that I shall have to be like everyone else and wait and count the days to spring, then knowing how strange the weather is these days spring will not be how spring should be it will be wet and cold.

But that's one of the great things about living in the UK in that you never really know what the weather is going to be like and I suppose in the long run its one of the reasons that the weather is one of the most talked about things in the UK.

05 February, 2013


So it's just a bit windy today and cold, is spring just around the corner?

04 February, 2013


I think that the word lonely is not a nice word and I hope with how ever long I have left to live that I never end up lonely, if that happens I would I think end. It all as I don't think I could cope with being on my own.


So today time is mostly going quickly.


So I have a special anniversary today, and no I am not going to say what it is here, just that it is 31 years ago to the day and that's all I need to say here about it.

Drink of the day

Today's drink of the day is.....black current squash made with fizzy water and ice, I know it's not hot but it does make I nice drink.


Please can I have more daylight that I can see, if possible can I also have some blue sky?

30 January, 2013


Had an odd thought this morning, and as this is a notebook for me, I thought I better record it here, so I don't forget it and also as I might one day come back to Can you fall in love with just a voice?

I know that there was a film with David Niven in where his character fell in love with just a voice but that was a film. Can you in real life fall for a voice?

I don't know the answer, I not even sure where one would go to even find out, I do know that people have fallen in love just seeing someone be it a picture or seeing someone in the street or where ever, so I suppose it's possible.

29 January, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is.....tea!

And why not is nice it's refreshing and it just works.

The tea is Tyhoo if you want to know with milk but no sugar.


For the first time in a while I have seen some blue sky and the sun. I know it's a bit strange, Apparently looking at the sun is not good for the eyes but I had forgotten, this as I had not seen it in such a long time.

The good news is that the days here in the northern hemisphere are now getting longer and we have passed the coldest day of the year here in the northern hemisphere which as you know is the 17th of January, so spring is on its way....

28 January, 2013


So we are having some weather here at this time, it's rain and strong winds which is good as its not snowing and also it means that it's warmer than this time last week.

27 January, 2013

Hampton Court Palace

Finally I got to go to Hampton Court Palace on Saturday  and its an amazing place to spend a day in, but if you want to walk the gardens then pick a summer day, as when we were there it was a bit too cold in the wind.

The palace itself is well worth a visit seeing stuff from so long ago that has survived a civil war and 2 world wars is always nice, and this palace is history.

The cost of getting in was I think expensive.

25 January, 2013

Drink of the Day

The drink of the day today is.... Pepsi max..

Not sure if its something you can drink elsewhere in the world.

But its sugar free and it does not taste like diet Pepsi.

24 January, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is....milk!

I know milk, but hey it's nice, so long as its the full fat kind... Okay?

Oh and cold...okay?


I can't wait for it to get warmer.

Cold and snow

So if things goes as we are told the snow should be gone soon. This is good as I am getting a bit pissed off with it.

20 January, 2013


So we have had snow and that's all it's been doing all day snowing, but the snow is not the flake type but the small ball type if that makes sense.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

18 January, 2013

Snow again

So as I said before I don't like snow, so what's happened today?

Yep we had snow 3 or more inches not sure how much as I have not measure how much there is as I said I don't like snow, and driving in it is not fun.


Driving in snow is not nice, not fun, and is knackering.

Also its the other cars on the road, they scare me.....

Can you really drive at 70 mph in ice and snow?

That's my problem...

17 January, 2013

I Hate Snow

I hate snow, there I have said it, I think its because I don't like the uncertainty that comes with it snowing, and I am not very good in driving in it.

16 January, 2013


Funny thing is that spring is so far away some 12 weeks it seems like miles away, it's not but I am looking forward the extra sunlight and it getting warmer.


So the weather men are saying that its due to snow heavy on Friday, I hope that they are wrong.

13 January, 2013


I find hard to believe that spring is 12 weeks or less away. Especially as its so cold at this time.


Have also toady changed the template that the blog is based on, well its a change and it is a new year and all that. If I don't like it I can always change it.


Just edited the blog a bit so it does not take up so much screen space, not sure if it's worked.

Some how I have also got Google+ not sure what it is and how to use it, wonder if I can remove it if I don't like it?

DJ Studio

Just downloaded the latest update for DJ Studio, and the good news is that the bugs from the last update have been removed, and the app works as it should do, which is nice as I love having an app that's fun to make mixes for my fun.

Sadly some of the mixes I have done I like and listen to them in the car or when I am working on the computer.

The only thing that would make DJ Studio better would be an easier way of getting my mixes off the iPad  at this time there only appear to be two ways, one is to upload your mix to Soundcloud the other is to save it to some sort of audio clip board, which at this time I just don't have a clue how to use.

I am sure the an earlier version of the app allowed you to get your mixes from a directory on the iPad when connected using iTunes.

so apart form the above i am having fun with the app and that is all that matters.

12 January, 2013

Nikon D600

So the new camera is working well, lots of new things to try on it. The new memory card for it is also working well, in fact I don't think I will run out of space when taking photo's.

64GB is a lot of space but when shooting images at 24MB a time and at 30 frames a sec you can I suppose run out of room quickly if you are not careful.


If anything today is colder than yesterday and I think if I can I will stay indoors.

11 January, 2013


Was reading an item on the Internet somewhere about gender. Now what struck my about this item and what I came away from it was the fact that in biology terms there is no such thing as fully Male or fully Female.

This was a surprise to me, but on thinking about it it does make sense in that biological systems are not digital but analog and so it goes without saying that for that very reason you can not have such a thing as fully Female as there has to be some Male part to the system, and when you look at human biology that does indeed turn out to be the case, as it turns. Out the men and women have male and female hormones running around inside them, and that you do need both for things to work.

When you look at other animals it also appears to be the case that there is a mixture of male and female.

It would see that only mankind has for reasons lost far back in time decided that there are only two sexes male and female, when really there is a spectrum of male to female.

So as I said I learnt something today and that is always good, as the day you stop wanting to find something out is the day you should give up.

10 January, 2013


So it has turned cold and the weather men are saying we could have snow!

This for me is not good as I don't like snow.

The weather men also said this cold weather will last at least two weeks, isn't that just bad news.

07 January, 2013


It's been a while since I brought a kite, but this year for some reason I want to get back into traction kiting, as its fun and I hope this year to have some time to enjoy it, that's assuming that the weather here in the UK plays its part by being nice, at least some of the time.


Today I have seen my first tree blossom.

64Gb sdhd

So I have just installed in the new camera a 64gig card, I don't think I will fill the card up any time soon even if each image is 24mb.

06 January, 2013

Drink of the day

So today's drink of the day is....

Abbott's ale, very nice it is too and draft so even better when well looked after and well served

One Egg Frying Pan

Having just brought a one egg frying pan I wonder if it started out as a joke? and has now become a real product?

The pan that we brought was made by Tefal so at that last time of checking I don't think they go in for gimmicks, don't get me wrong the pan is a useful thing to have once you have worked out how to cook with such a small pan.

05 January, 2013

Drink of the day

Today's drink of the day is diet coke by coke cola with ice and lemon, and very nice it is thank you very much.

One egg frying pan

You think that cooking an egg in a one egg frying pan would be easy? Wouldn't you?

Well it's not as I found out today, have the gas to high and the result is a burnt egg not a fried one.

Have the gas too low and the result is that you die of hunger so the trick appears to be to get the gas just the right.

As you can tell this is something I have yet to get right.


Big news so far this year is that I managed to pick up a book and do some reading!

It might not be news or of interest to you but to me it is as I love to read but for some reason or other over the last 6 months or so I have not managed to read a book!

So the book I am reading is the Year Best Science Fiction 24 ! yes yeas old but it was on sale in kindle format which always works better than iBooks does on the iPad or at least it does for me and that's all that counts.

03 January, 2013


So at last for a short time the weather is mild, and that's good, I like it mild.

02 January, 2013

First Day Back

Always a bit of a shock to the system first day back at work after Xmas.

You think after all these years, I would know what to expect, but no it's the same old shock to the system each and every time.

01 January, 2013

Family Tree

Just trying out a new family tree app on the iPad, wow according to it I have 246 living relatives!

Gallery 3

Gallery 3 still does not work, it still throws a 500 error, which can mean so many things may or may not be broken that I don't know where to even start looking.

Looking on the help forms has not proved to be very helpful either as the one person who reported such an error does not yet appear to have fixed their problem with it.

Blue Sky

Wow first day of the year and we have at this time a blue sky and sunshine, which is something we have not seen for a few days now.

First post

So this is my first post of 2013 and for the record it wet

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...