30 January, 2013


Had an odd thought this morning, and as this is a notebook for me, I thought I better record it here, so I don't forget it and also as I might one day come back to Can you fall in love with just a voice?

I know that there was a film with David Niven in where his character fell in love with just a voice but that was a film. Can you in real life fall for a voice?

I don't know the answer, I not even sure where one would go to even find out, I do know that people have fallen in love just seeing someone be it a picture or seeing someone in the street or where ever, so I suppose it's possible.

29 January, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is.....tea!

And why not is nice it's refreshing and it just works.

The tea is Tyhoo if you want to know with milk but no sugar.


For the first time in a while I have seen some blue sky and the sun. I know it's a bit strange, Apparently looking at the sun is not good for the eyes but I had forgotten, this as I had not seen it in such a long time.

The good news is that the days here in the northern hemisphere are now getting longer and we have passed the coldest day of the year here in the northern hemisphere which as you know is the 17th of January, so spring is on its way....

28 January, 2013


So we are having some weather here at this time, it's rain and strong winds which is good as its not snowing and also it means that it's warmer than this time last week.

27 January, 2013

Hampton Court Palace

Finally I got to go to Hampton Court Palace on Saturday  and its an amazing place to spend a day in, but if you want to walk the gardens then pick a summer day, as when we were there it was a bit too cold in the wind.

The palace itself is well worth a visit seeing stuff from so long ago that has survived a civil war and 2 world wars is always nice, and this palace is history.

The cost of getting in was I think expensive.

25 January, 2013

Drink of the Day

The drink of the day today is.... Pepsi max..

Not sure if its something you can drink elsewhere in the world.

But its sugar free and it does not taste like diet Pepsi.

24 January, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is....milk!

I know milk, but hey it's nice, so long as its the full fat kind... Okay?

Oh and cold...okay?


I can't wait for it to get warmer.

Cold and snow

So if things goes as we are told the snow should be gone soon. This is good as I am getting a bit pissed off with it.

20 January, 2013


So we have had snow and that's all it's been doing all day snowing, but the snow is not the flake type but the small ball type if that makes sense.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

18 January, 2013

Snow again

So as I said before I don't like snow, so what's happened today?

Yep we had snow 3 or more inches not sure how much as I have not measure how much there is as I said I don't like snow, and driving in it is not fun.


Driving in snow is not nice, not fun, and is knackering.

Also its the other cars on the road, they scare me.....

Can you really drive at 70 mph in ice and snow?

That's my problem...

17 January, 2013

I Hate Snow

I hate snow, there I have said it, I think its because I don't like the uncertainty that comes with it snowing, and I am not very good in driving in it.

16 January, 2013


Funny thing is that spring is so far away some 12 weeks it seems like miles away, it's not but I am looking forward the extra sunlight and it getting warmer.


So the weather men are saying that its due to snow heavy on Friday, I hope that they are wrong.

13 January, 2013


I find hard to believe that spring is 12 weeks or less away. Especially as its so cold at this time.


Have also toady changed the template that the blog is based on, well its a change and it is a new year and all that. If I don't like it I can always change it.


Just edited the blog a bit so it does not take up so much screen space, not sure if it's worked.

Some how I have also got Google+ not sure what it is and how to use it, wonder if I can remove it if I don't like it?

DJ Studio

Just downloaded the latest update for DJ Studio, and the good news is that the bugs from the last update have been removed, and the app works as it should do, which is nice as I love having an app that's fun to make mixes for my fun.

Sadly some of the mixes I have done I like and listen to them in the car or when I am working on the computer.

The only thing that would make DJ Studio better would be an easier way of getting my mixes off the iPad  at this time there only appear to be two ways, one is to upload your mix to Soundcloud the other is to save it to some sort of audio clip board, which at this time I just don't have a clue how to use.

I am sure the an earlier version of the app allowed you to get your mixes from a directory on the iPad when connected using iTunes.

so apart form the above i am having fun with the app and that is all that matters.

12 January, 2013

Nikon D600

So the new camera is working well, lots of new things to try on it. The new memory card for it is also working well, in fact I don't think I will run out of space when taking photo's.

64GB is a lot of space but when shooting images at 24MB a time and at 30 frames a sec you can I suppose run out of room quickly if you are not careful.


If anything today is colder than yesterday and I think if I can I will stay indoors.

11 January, 2013


Was reading an item on the Internet somewhere about gender. Now what struck my about this item and what I came away from it was the fact that in biology terms there is no such thing as fully Male or fully Female.

This was a surprise to me, but on thinking about it it does make sense in that biological systems are not digital but analog and so it goes without saying that for that very reason you can not have such a thing as fully Female as there has to be some Male part to the system, and when you look at human biology that does indeed turn out to be the case, as it turns. Out the men and women have male and female hormones running around inside them, and that you do need both for things to work.

When you look at other animals it also appears to be the case that there is a mixture of male and female.

It would see that only mankind has for reasons lost far back in time decided that there are only two sexes male and female, when really there is a spectrum of male to female.

So as I said I learnt something today and that is always good, as the day you stop wanting to find something out is the day you should give up.

10 January, 2013


So it has turned cold and the weather men are saying we could have snow!

This for me is not good as I don't like snow.

The weather men also said this cold weather will last at least two weeks, isn't that just bad news.

07 January, 2013


It's been a while since I brought a kite, but this year for some reason I want to get back into traction kiting, as its fun and I hope this year to have some time to enjoy it, that's assuming that the weather here in the UK plays its part by being nice, at least some of the time.


Today I have seen my first tree blossom.

64Gb sdhd

So I have just installed in the new camera a 64gig card, I don't think I will fill the card up any time soon even if each image is 24mb.

06 January, 2013

Drink of the day

So today's drink of the day is....

Abbott's ale, very nice it is too and draft so even better when well looked after and well served

One Egg Frying Pan

Having just brought a one egg frying pan I wonder if it started out as a joke? and has now become a real product?

The pan that we brought was made by Tefal so at that last time of checking I don't think they go in for gimmicks, don't get me wrong the pan is a useful thing to have once you have worked out how to cook with such a small pan.

05 January, 2013

Drink of the day

Today's drink of the day is diet coke by coke cola with ice and lemon, and very nice it is thank you very much.

One egg frying pan

You think that cooking an egg in a one egg frying pan would be easy? Wouldn't you?

Well it's not as I found out today, have the gas to high and the result is a burnt egg not a fried one.

Have the gas too low and the result is that you die of hunger so the trick appears to be to get the gas just the right.

As you can tell this is something I have yet to get right.


Big news so far this year is that I managed to pick up a book and do some reading!

It might not be news or of interest to you but to me it is as I love to read but for some reason or other over the last 6 months or so I have not managed to read a book!

So the book I am reading is the Year Best Science Fiction 24 ! yes yeas old but it was on sale in kindle format which always works better than iBooks does on the iPad or at least it does for me and that's all that counts.

03 January, 2013


So at last for a short time the weather is mild, and that's good, I like it mild.

02 January, 2013

First Day Back

Always a bit of a shock to the system first day back at work after Xmas.

You think after all these years, I would know what to expect, but no it's the same old shock to the system each and every time.

01 January, 2013

Family Tree

Just trying out a new family tree app on the iPad, wow according to it I have 246 living relatives!

Gallery 3

Gallery 3 still does not work, it still throws a 500 error, which can mean so many things may or may not be broken that I don't know where to even start looking.

Looking on the help forms has not proved to be very helpful either as the one person who reported such an error does not yet appear to have fixed their problem with it.

Blue Sky

Wow first day of the year and we have at this time a blue sky and sunshine, which is something we have not seen for a few days now.

First post

So this is my first post of 2013 and for the record it wet

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...