30 April, 2013

Blog posts

So I notice that its the last day of April, it does not feel like it, I suppose part of the reason for that is that this year winter just dragged on and on and I must admit I was starting to wonder if it would ever end.

The good news is that it has but I can't say that the seasons feel right, it feels like the reason has slipped a month or so or so it seems to me, but then what do I know about the weather and the seasons we are meant to have here in the northern hemisphere, I sure that I can't be the only person to have seen the way that the Seasons are appear to be getting late or even not started right.

Any way I am glad that spring appears to be napping now, and that's good.

Blue sky

Finally some blue sky and strong sunlight, nice that's what it is....

28 April, 2013

Girly girl

Are there such girls as girly girls?

If there is such a girly girl i have yet to meet one.

Are they something that is made up by the media?

If they are real what are they like to live with?

As I have never meet one I don't have any answers to the above questions.

Perhaps the thing for me to do is have a look on the I telnet and see what comes up!

Drink of the day

So the drink of the day is water!

I know but sometimes that's all that you need is a drink of water.


What is happy?

Can you tell me what happy is?

I know when I am happy but is that the same thing for you?

I know it's a stupid question but sometimes you have to ask yourself these questions it's all part of the joy of being alive.

23 April, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is one that I have never had before in my life, it's called cusquena and its an inca beer, it's nice but I think it has to be served cold, I drank mine warm....

17 April, 2013


As you may not knowi written a few items on chemistry, which is a subject that has always interested me since I was as all person. Now that I am a bigger person I am still interested in chemistry, not sure why that is but that's how it is.

Any way because I like chemistry some time ago I wrote a few books and articles on various bits of the periodic table that interested me in one way or another.

I have just had cause to go back and have a look at what I have produced and I am amazed at just how much stuffing wrote!

I am thinking that I might set up a wiki with all the stuff I have written but in an easy way to look at the various version of the items I wrote. This is something I shall have to think about.


Can you feel emm?

I do today, not too sure why....

16 April, 2013


Playing with wampserver just found that it does not like copper mine the gallery programme loads of errors, but it works. Lots of errors on stuff being static which sadly I don't have a clue about, then to top all of it off it does not like half the images that i am trying to upload into copper mine. What is strange the same images load into Gallery 3 with no problems.

I suspect that copper mine might need some more setting up, which is something gallery does not need.

15 April, 2013


Just a note to me that Hawthorn leaves when they first appear are a lovely light green.

14 April, 2013

Semantic wiki

So as you know of you have read my blog I have in the past played with a semantic wiki and as you know it did not go to well in that some how or over I managed to loose all the hard work I did in creating the wiki.

Well the news is that my luck with a semantic wiki has not changed and I have so far failed in my attempts to install a wiki on my local server, even though the semantic software is much more up-to date for some reason or other I just can not yet get it to work.

Oh well there is always another day.


Are you happy?

13 April, 2013

Drink of the day

The drink of the day today is,

Bavaria. And very nice it is too, just make sure that you have it cold, not ice cold as that does not work so well, for some reason it looses it taste some what.


Having a play with wampserver, so far it's working we'll.

09 April, 2013


So it's wet now which is what I think April weather should be about here in the UK.

08 April, 2013

Give blood

So I gave blood today, which is something I have done many times. At this time I have given 126 units which is a great total if I do say so myself.

So do some thing amazing give a unit of blood.


Where has the sun gone, one day of blue sky and now it does a dissapearing act.

07 April, 2013

Odd Thoughts from a High Desk: How to make a Largerita ( Updated Content)

Odd Thoughts from a High Desk: How to make a Largerita ( Updated Content)

Books to be read

I have noticed that I have some how ended up with a pile of books to read, how did that happen?


Does the hour hand on a clock break the speed of sound when you are not looking?


I note to me, podcast above and beyond just as good as 5 years ago, that's right 5 years.......

Reading Blogs

Reading Blogs just how many do people read in a day, week or month?

I asked myself this question today as I noticed that I have a list of blogs that I visit on a semi regular basis and enjoy what the various authors choose to write about.

As some of these authors live in different parts of the world their outlook on the world is different from mine and its nice to see their world through their eyes.

Some of the authors are a different sex to me and so the way they see and interact with the world is also different from mine, saying that can you really tell from reading a bit of text if the author is male or female?

I know I can't unless the author is taking about something that is very female orientated like the experience of giving birth and what that feels like from their perspective.

Some of the Blogs I read are on subjects far removed from my way of life, but the authors have a great way with words and I have learnt stuff that I would never have known anything about.

So of the blogs that I have read have been on items that to me here in the UK are so direr rant that I have had trouble understanding why and how things can be so different.

I have read blogs on photography that have help me become better at taking photos and also better at enjoying looking at photos and also teaching me at least a little bit on why some photos are better looking to me than others.

I have also wish that some of the photos I have seen I wished that I had taken them, or that I knew the model or the place they were taken.

Blogs are on the whole another window into a world that as I get older is even more amazing that I could have ever thought.

Some of the blogs I have read are by people who are one sex but for reasons that I don't think anyone Truley understands want to live part or all their life in the other sex. The things that I have picked up from this are the hurt and pain that they suffer for something they did not ask for and also the hate and just dam right nastiness that they also have to put up with.

Some of the blogs are sad and some are very happy, it's amazing just how people cope with all the trouble placed on their shoulders.

I have learned new words while reading these blogs and have learned that their is no such thing as two genders just as there is no such thing as black and white, the world truly is grey and it appears that this grey is all over the place and in all the different things that we do each day.

Has reading these king of blogs changed me?

The answer has to be yes, as my eyes have been opened to the fact that there are lots of different ways to be happy in your life, but if you are only slightly different from everyone else then for some reason you are singled out and treat differently when all you want to do is enjoy your life without stress and hurt.

Other blogs that I have read have been funny, other sad others have been so different that I have had to book mark them and come back to them when I have an understanding as to what they were talking about.

It goes without saying that there have been many blogs that were just there to sell something and some are just about sex..

So will I still read these blogs?

Yes is the answer, as these dirrerant blogs show me a world that for one reason or another I would never get to see or hear about and surly that makes be a better person with a better world view?

Drink of the day

The drink of the day to day is....

Coffee and why not, not an instant coffee mind you but one of them fancy pod coffee's which has a name that at this time I can't remember as I am know-where near the machine or the pods.

All I can say is that the coffee was very nice thank you very much and it did the job.


Well we have had some sunshine and to make it even more of a surprising weekend we have also had some blue sky. Sad to say that the blue sky did not last long but it was great to see it even if it was only for a short time.

So I ask myself is this finally the start of spring?

The answer I suppose will come in the next week or so if the weather starts to warm up to where it should be for this time of year in the UK.

05 April, 2013


Is it worth buying shares in the company you work for if you can afford it?

04 April, 2013


So will the. Weathermen get it right and we get a bit more spring like weather?

Only time will tell.

03 April, 2013

Iain Banks

So have just heard the sad news that one of the authors that I like is going to die this year due to the cancer that he has got. This is sad as I have spent many an hour reading his books and enjoying the different worlds that he created and also enjoying the stories that he told in his worlds that he made.

59 is not old and I think he has written 20 odd books and has enjoyed his life his way, I notice from the news that he has just got married for the second time to his lady partner of many years, I wonder how she is holding up with this sad news and that her marriage may not last as long as they both wanted, how do you cope with this kind of news?

I know that it is something that I dread being told that the one you love and want to be with is soon going to leave you forever, what do you do?

I don't know the answer and I don't want to find out either, I just wish them both as happy times as they can have in the time left and hope that she gets some great memories of the good times.

To Iain I say thank you for the entertainment you have provided me through your books.


There are rumours from the weathermen that early next week we might have a start to spring, this would be good I think.


Today had a nice sunrise in that I could see the sun, which has been rare around here for the last few weeks and also it was a lovely red orange ball, which I have not seen for even more weeks.

Then the weather men ruin it all by saying that here in south England expect snow showers!

I mean why?

I have started to think that 5 months of winter is just too long I want a hot day without having to put loads of clothes on just to stay warm in April!

02 April, 2013


Not used to it but we had sunshine today, even if I had to scrape the car windows this morning.

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...