22 August, 2014

Bank holiday

So it's the last bank holiday before Xmas would you believe?

I know I just don't know where the time has gone, but gone it has.

So I expect that the weather will be pant which is what you would expect as it's a bank holiday.

20 August, 2014


Read a book again, and for some reason most of the book has been an easy read but I have got to page 270 and it's hard going, is it me or the author also found it hard going in this bit of the book?

Any way what ever it is it's hard going.

The book is Mathematics of life by Ian Stewart.

Other than the bits around pages 270 it's not been a bad read.


Not sure if it's colder today than it was yesterday but either way for August it's cold, I expect that on the news it will soon be saying it's the coldest august since records began or something like that, as it's also august it's normally a slow time for the new orgianasations to have anything to talk about.

19 August, 2014

16 August, 2014

Power kites

Got a chance to have a fly of my power kite as the weather was nice and also the fact that I have not flown a kite for a long time was also a reason to have a go.

After the joy of untangling 4 lines for some fifteen minutes and actually flew for about an hour. Boy was it a work out.

I have not had a work out like that in a long time.

The good news is that I still fly a power kite like I used to.

I was flying an Ozone Samurai 4 meter.

It was fun I has a big grin on my face when doing power dives. 


So a nice sunrise toady, and as I type this there is blue sky.

14 August, 2014

Robbin williams

So Robin Williams is dead.

I think this is so sad, he must have been very ill to take this course of action.
It must have just been a moment of time where he was on his own and things overwhelmed him and in a moment of not really thinking he took his own life.

Over worked

What does being over worked feel like?

I think that's what is happening at this time at work.

I don't have a clue what to do about it.....

Talking on twitter

I am not the most social person in that I am by my nature an introvert so being on twitter is not something you would expect.

But I am on there and some how I have even managed a conversation with someone else on twitter. To say that I am surprised is an understatement.

The person I am talking to lives in the area I know this because the only reason that I had a conversation with them was when I mentioned during the farnbrough airshow that the Vulcan bomber was flying and bring on the noise, as the Vulcan is known for being just a bit noisy, this person on twitter responde that they could hear it and that it was setting off car alarms new the airfield.

So this extrovert talking on a social media site! What ever next?


I use twitter not a lot and when I do it's mainly retwitts of something normally to do with science, and sometimes I will say something about the weather or a dink I am having. So it's com as a bit of a surprise that suddenly I have loads of followers, but loads 100 which for an account like mine is lots.

So what's going on?

I don't have a clue.

I shall update this if anything else happens.

Update July 2015

My followers have dropped to 88 which for a Twitter account that does not get a lot of use is to me amazing.

12 August, 2014

05 August, 2014

03 August, 2014


So what is happy?

How do you know when someone is happy?

Not all people smile when they are happy.

01 August, 2014


New month will I have more to say about my world my thoughts?

Who knows but let's wait an see.

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...