31 December, 2021
29 December, 2021
21 December, 2021
I was worried that this Blog was going to get a lot of hits but glad to say that the view hits have dropped down to the usual 5 or so.
18 December, 2021
Looking at Stats
I was looking at the stats for this blog and what countries had accessed this Blog.
Number 1 was USA which I suppose is not a surprise as there are over 300 million people in the USA (I think, no I have not checked!) so there is always a good chance that someone in the USA could hit this Blog by mistake.
Second country was the real surprise for me in that it was France!
Well the blog is in a very poor English and I suspect that what I tend to write about really is no interest to the average French person, on top of that I have no idea how many people there are in France but it must be more than in the UK,
I am thinking that they hit the site by mistake......
How to Blog Better
Apparently the list below are things that you should do to make your blog great and get lots of readers. so I thought it would be a great idea to list them and to say what I do or don't do.
Find a niche
This I think I have done, not very well but I have done it.
Write about what you love
Write about something you love I have done this, trouble appears to be that others don't like much what I tend to write about, go figure....
Offer value
Not got a clue what this means, so I have not done this.
Focus on marketing
I dont do this, which will be the main reason why I don't get any views.
Encourage interaction
This is set up, but as no one reads the Blog it has not happened.
Make commenting easy
As above I think this is set up and when I do get a comment I do answer it.
Don't worry about negativity
Occasionally you may get the odd negative comment on your blog I have not had this and if it did happen I would not worry about it.
Don't get stage fright and believe in yourself
Gosh Blogs can get that many views, who knew?
Images, images and more images
People love images. I have tried this but its not something I have tried really hard to do, so perhaps its time to try this again, especially as storage is not an issue.
Provide easy reading
I think I do this, as most of my Blog posts tend to be very simple and short.
Give your posts punchy titles
I think I do this, not sure if they are click bait standard.
Keep it regular
This one I fail at badly in that it can be weeks between postes, perhaps something to try and improve on and see if it makes no difference.
Avoid clutter
I do this my site is very simple.
Get social
I don't do this one very well.
Keep an eye on analytics
You know I do look at the stats I am waiting for the day I can proudly say I have had 10 views of one of my posts.
Allow easy following
I don't know in Blogger how to do this.
Get personal
This is something that I have not done.
Spell checking and proof-reading
This is something that I have done mainly because I cant spell.
It's a very long list and as you can see most of the items I don't do. So I shall try in the new year which as I write this is going to be 2022 and see if it make any change to the Blog.
12 December, 2021
this site last week dec 2021 got 6 whole views, I know... its a lot
I don't know how Google was able to handle all those visits......
11 December, 2021
07 December, 2021
New Track
So later tonight 7/12/2021 I will release a new track and post it on youtube, so it will appear here also.
Blog Stats
For some reason that I cant fathom I decided to look at the stats for this Blog, which as you know is a waste of time as noone looks at that Blog.
One of the recent Blog posts got 6 views which surely must be some sort of record for this blog.
One other stat that I saw was that the send most popular country to visit my Blog is Portugal!!!
I don't understand why this is as the Blog to my knowledge has until now had any mention of Portugal, and this Blog is in English not Portuguese.
So why is it so popular, popular just being a turn of phase as this Blog is not popular.
I don't know the answer.
Anyway if you are from Portugal and you find yourself reading this Blog Welcome.
05 December, 2021
Album Deep
Just a note to me that I have finished the Album Deep and that I have somehow also manged to post all the tracks from the album on to YouTube.
If I am lucky maybe they will get a pay by one person or two....
I don't care if there are no plays or lots of plays as Youtube is a great place to hold my music so that I can listen to it wherever I am in the world and on any device that I happen to have with me at the time.
I also happen to like listening to my own music!
Does that make me weird or what?
You never hear of other artists confirming that they like to listen to their own music do you?
Why is that?
Is making music just a job?
I dont know the answer to these questions but it would be great to find out some answers.
Why is it the all humans like music?
What is it about music that appeals to humans?
These are two questions that have been going around in my head over the last day or two
Don't know if I written it here before, but I now do a parkrun every Saturday that there is one running, have been doing this now since 2017, so maybe I have said something about it before?
Anyway I run each saturday 5K in the fastest time that I can, I am pleased to say that I have got a bit faster as time has gone by.
The big question is
Is it fun?
The answer is yes
The run does me good which is good it gets me out of the house, and somehow I have even manged to make some friends which is something I still find amazing as I am not an outwards going person, so to make friends is great, what is even more amazing is that most of my friends are women who I have found hard to talk to.... go figure
Perhaps because its a non threating place and time I don't feel unsafe and that I don't have to make small talk as most of the things we talk about most of the time are about running but often as not it does go into other things which so far I have not found uncomfortable in talking about.
At the time of writing this Blog I have managed to get my time to 24.22 for 5K I would love to get under 24 perhaps with some training this is something I will be able to do
Who knows?
Anyway onwards and upwards
04 December, 2021
Blog post
Looking at the Blog dashboard for this very underused blog site I noticed that somehow one of my posts was looked by 10 people, bots ect
How is that possible?
I am sure that as I don't post very often on this Blog that the bots and any humans out there wrote this Blog off years ago as a dead Blog not worth following.
I suppose by posting this Blog entry they will think that the Blog is alive again!
Who knows? maybe it might get 11 views......!!!!
Do you find it easy to learn new stuff from books?
I find that I have to break the learning down into 15 minute chunks, otherwise I find that I loose concentration and start to loose what I am reading. This must also be something that must get harder if you have not done a lot of book learning for some time.
I wonder if the brain needs to get itself back up to speed in doing book learning, so I suppose that if you are doing book learning often its easier, not Shure if age has anything to do with it either, just an idle thought.
Now test are I thin another thing that also needs practice, that I am sure of, one so you can pull the information out of your head and the second thing is getting control of your nerves while doing the test.
I have a test soon where you have to answer 60 multiple questions in 90 minutes with the added joy that some of the questions have more than one answer needed!
Or the questions ask for the correct no answer!
Real Ale
So a note to me.
Today I am drink a ale called "Old Speckled Hen" its 5% and a nice easy drink to have while blogging or just listening to music.
28 November, 2021
videos that I like
videos that I like
27 November, 2021
videos that I like
26 November, 2021
06 November, 2021
Fat boy Slim concert
So I was lucky yesterday to go to the Wembley Area in London to see Fatboy Slim in concert and I am very pleased to say that his set was very good, up to date and well worth the time and effort it took for me to travel to London and also to stay in a hotel overnight, which is something that I find hard to do.
The set that was played was a mixture of old crowd favourites and also new ways of playing these tracks with new material, the great news is that this concert was filmed so you will at some stage be able to watch it.
One thingsomall in all a great night out. to bear in mind is that I filmed the very star of the set some two or three minutes and the camera does not capture the sound 100% the base that I felt more than heard just cannot be captured, I have heard several of my friends remark the same thing.
03 November, 2021
Three in a Row
So I have somehow managed to write three blog posts in a row, (this could be a record for me, not that I have any way of checking) which these days must be some kind of record (and I do also like to repeat myself, well? why not?).
Hopefully this sudden activity has caused the Google system to realise that this blog has not died and that it is sort of active for me at least in the last part of the year.
Sad that I am also finding myself reading some of the older posts to find out what I was doing or thinking of back then. Also just how old this blog is.
What is more amazing to me is that Google have not done there normal trick of shutting down something that they brought.
I have seen a post that did list all the projects that Google released that shut down some time later.....
02 November, 2021
Oh no!
following yesterdays post I looked up my 1 follower of this blog, and it appears that he has died sometime in late December of 2020, this is very sad as i did like to follow his blog and his pictures on Flicker..
It also shows just how often I looked at this blog and his.... (I have said else where how I have not done much blogging)
So I am sad that I did not know of his passing,
I do hope that Linda his wife is okay and that has come to terms with what has happened and can remember the good times, especially the trips that they did together, as there are lots of pictures to look at.
Although I suppose that it will be painful so close to losing him to look back at the pictures, but hopefully in time it will just bring back good memory's.
01 November, 2021
My Blog Follower
Somehow way back in the early days this blog got a follower,
I was pleased that someone found me and decided to follow me. I did the good thing of also following them , but what was also great I like his blog content and the pictures that he posts and that he has an interest in Scifi the same as me, he is more into collecting, while I am mainly into reading about it.
It sadden me to learn that his health is not the good. In fact since his last posts I have not been able to find out how he is doing, I hope that he is well. (if I find out will update this post)
So thanks you dear follower Traveller28 for your time and pictures.
Look at me another blog post in a new month, looking at when I first started this blog, it turns out that I started sometime in 2005!
So from 2005 and its now 2021 so somehow I have been doing this blog poorly for over 16 years!
As a Google project it's a surprise that it has not yet been shutdown. How many of their other projects do you know that have been running that long that are not part of their main business?
I don't think there are very many.
I wounder if there is a way to find out just how many active blogs there now are on Blogger it would be great to know.
Perhaps they use the data in all the blogs in some way and thats the reason why it has not been shut down or that it does not take many resources to run it, who knows? I am just glad that it is still working and that I can when I want to just dump Odd Thoughts from my height desk on to it when the mood strikes me.
10 October, 2021
A Voice
So is this a blog a shout out into the void, never to be read by anyone other than me?
I thinks so, there are so many blogs by so many people why would anyone find mine?
More to the point why would anyone want to read what I have said?
Dose it matter that no one other than me will read this? the answer has to be no!
I am not really writing this for anyone other than me, I may read this when I am much older, I many never read it, it may be read by one of those internet bots, what they will make of this I just dont know all I do know is that I have at this time and date put down some of my thoughts and that to me is great as now those thoughts are not lost to the moment the will live on for a while.
I suspect that at sometime in the future Google or what ever it is called at the time will notice that I have not updated this blog in a long time or even accessed it ( probably because I am dead) it will send a warning but it will in the end delete it and so my thoughts of today will finally be gone lost forever.....
Eden Mill St Andrews Shipwreck
Eden Mill St Andrews Shipwreck
So just to prove that this blog is still alive sort of....
Just had a new beer to me, which is called Shipwreck and its by Eden Mill brewery of St Andrews all I can say is that its a nice dink with good flavor and that it is 6.2% which these days makes it a strong beer?
Mainly as most beers today tend to be on 5% or less alcohol these days.
All I can say is that you can't taste the alcohol if that makes sense, the hops and malts etc are what you taste, so I can only put that down to the brewer and their skill.
I do wonder how they make sure this batch of beer tastes the same as previous brews, perhaps that is something I should look up?
Anyway it's a nice drink, its not a session drink, as it's far to strong for that, and I think it would cheapen it some what doing that to it, e.g making it a session beer, not that there is anything wrong with a session beer.
23 September, 2021
Still alive (mostly)
This blog is still alive, not very alive but still hanging on in there. I have found that I don't have a lot to say and as this is really me talking to me, as this blog does not get very many views from what I can tell. What do I want to say to myself at this moment in time?
See that's the problem what to talk about?
I don't have much to say to myself that I want to put here, are written blogs a very old thing now with Ticktock and such things? I don't know.
Anyway I shall try and look at this site again before the end of 2021......
19 August, 2021
videos that I like
19 June, 2021
Still Going
So this blog is still going...
Its just that I do not have much to say at this time as I am the only one that reads this its really more like an old notebook to me where i can jot down things I am doing or thinking about. I also post links to music that I have uploaded to YouTube.
Upload my music has become much harder as things have been altered to make it harder to upload content, (well thats what it feels like to me) I used to be able to upload in just one or two clicks, now its much much more and do I have the time for all that ?
No, I don't
so that is one of the reasons for less uploads.
So see you later
05 April, 2021
videos that I like
28 March, 2021
25 March, 2021
Blog I am still a live Blog....
This blog is still going, not that many new posts and what gets posted is from YouTube telling you normally about a new music track that I have uploaded. it could also be a new GoPro post, if I ever work out how to post the vid from the GoPro cloud to YouTube, if there are no Go pro vids then I did not manage to work out how to upload.
The good news is that I am still creating lots of music and have a backlog of 50 tracks to upload when I now work out how to do this again, as YouTube has changes what it like and so has the main sequencing software that I use, changed how you upload, in fact it has got much harder to just upload the raw music track.
It does not help that I don't yet have proper thumb nails for my tracks or even video, well with over 700 tracks how could I make so many video's?
So the blog is alive and if I can i will post the odd text blog.
videos that I like
28 February, 2021
02 February, 2021
17 January, 2021
16 January, 2021
02 January, 2021
01 January, 2021
More Music
More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...
So today we are having a BBQ for Chaz, so you can guess what the weather is going to do! yep wet or so it looks. I don't know how all ...
Largerita 2024 This is a great summer drink (Yes, it's true that the UK does have summers, it's just they don't last long! ...
The drink of today is.... London Pride which as you know is a real ale and very nice it is to drink in the sunshine.