10 October, 2021

A Voice

So is this a blog a shout out into the void, never to be read by anyone other than me?

I thinks so, there are so many blogs by so many people why would anyone find mine?

More to the point why would anyone want to read what I have said?

Dose it matter that no one other than me will read this? the answer has to be no!

I am not really writing this for anyone other than me, I may read this when I am much older, I many never read it, it may be read by one of those internet bots, what they will make of this I just dont know all I do know is that I have at this time and date put down some of my thoughts and that to me is great as now those thoughts are not lost to the moment the will live on for a while.

I suspect that at sometime in the future Google or what ever it is called at the time will notice that I have not updated this blog in a long time or even accessed it ( probably because I am dead) it will send a warning but it will in the end delete it and so my thoughts of today will finally be gone lost forever.....

Eden Mill St Andrews Shipwreck

Eden Mill St Andrews Shipwreck 

So just to prove that this blog is still alive sort of....

Just had a new beer to me, which is called Shipwreck and its by Eden Mill brewery of St Andrews all I can say is that its a nice dink with good flavor and that it is 6.2% which these days makes it a strong beer? 

Mainly as most beers today tend to be on 5% or less alcohol these days. 

All I can say is that you can't taste the alcohol if that makes sense, the hops and malts etc are what you taste, so I can only put that down to the brewer and their skill.

I do wonder how they make sure this batch of beer tastes the same as previous brews, perhaps that is something I should look up?

Anyway it's a nice drink, its not a session drink, as it's far to strong for that, and I think it would cheapen it some what doing that to it, e.g making it a session beer, not that there is anything wrong with a session beer.

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...