31 December, 2012
Drink of the day part 3
Today's drink of the day is........... Tea!
Yes I know but as its the last day of this year I am staying sober right up-to midnight.....
Yes I know but as its the last day of this year I am staying sober right up-to midnight.....
Gallery 3
Had a lot of fun today trying to install Gallery 3 on my web server, the result so far is all the files are on the server, the database is set up.
So the end result?
Error 500
So until I work out what throws this error no Gallery 3.
Gallery 2 works well.
So the end result?
Error 500
So until I work out what throws this error no Gallery 3.
Gallery 2 works well.
End of year
So the last day of 2012 and I have to note here that the weather has been wet dark and cool all day.
30 December, 2012
2013 iPad
Dear Apple before you loose your market share and become a has been could you please produce an iPad with some decent memory storage. 64GB is just a joke especially if you are really using the iPad to create things on it like music, books, images, its a great device for consuming content but with so little memory creating content on it is getting to be rather hard.
If you can not see your way to creating more storage, and don't say I can use the cloud, what use is that when I have no connection to the cloud?
Also I don't want to have to keep paying to store my files, which may or may not be safe from others actions.
Why can't I have a USB port on the machine?
I have a lot of content that I don't want to move but if you keep coming up with iPads that can't do the job then I shall join the other millions and look else where for my new tablet.
If you can not see your way to creating more storage, and don't say I can use the cloud, what use is that when I have no connection to the cloud?
Also I don't want to have to keep paying to store my files, which may or may not be safe from others actions.
Why can't I have a USB port on the machine?
I have a lot of content that I don't want to move but if you keep coming up with iPads that can't do the job then I shall join the other millions and look else where for my new tablet.
Largerita ( Updated Content part 2)
How to make a Largerita ( Updated Content)
This is a great summer drink (Yes, it's true that the UK does have summers, it's just they don't last very long!) that with great food and friends is a very nice, and is also a hot summers day drink and a hot summer is even better (But much much rarer here in the UK), and a BBQ is well even more better!
So to make my version of a Largerita you will need ( I did say to make my version of a Largerita! you may find others that have similar ideas, they are also worth having a go at, it may be that one of the versions is just what you are looking for! )
So you need the following bits and pieces
Bottle of Mexican Beer (Sol) (330ml) make sure it's cold,(I said Cold got it?) if you have no Sol,(yes and I also do bad puns!) I have found that any 5% (Alc vol) bottled Larger works, but for some reason the less "sweet" ones work much better, your taste buds might have other ideas....(and if they do, give them a taking to.....)( make sure the beer is cold, you will see a theme, about cold here....)
One shot of Tequila (The best you have around, also without this ingredient you will not have a Largerita, and I mean the best you have, your Largerita will taste much better if you don't skimp on the quality of the ingredients honest.....if you happen to have Patron Platinum, and who doesn't? then go for it it really does make a big difference to the final drink, I should know as I have tried this drink with several different Tequila's and its sad to say that in the case of Tequila you get what you pay for, at least that's what my taste buds are telling me!.)
One shot of Triple Sec (Any make seems to work, but please do note that different Triple Sec's do have different tastes, and deep flavor so find one you like.)
One shot of Lime Cordial (The higher the Lime content the better, here in the UK, I have found that Britvic and Rose Lime Cordial work well, for me that is (my taste buds again).)
Fresh Lime Juice to taste (Not really needed, but try it for the first glass or two, it's a real surprise what a little fresh Lime juice can do to the taste of a drink.)
Mix vigorously& serve with ice. (Well don't ask me why, but do not leave this out, as it makes all the difference to he final drink you end up with in your hand, well to me it does...and I promise you I have tried this recipe both ways and this is the best way (with Ice that is) I have read somewhere that it deepens the taste, whatever that means!(All I know is that it really does change the drink into something-worth having on a hot day, with Blue sky, your shades on and a BBQ near by...)
So there you have my version of a Largerita, which I have to say it always works well for me.
I suspect that the better the ingredients the better the end result, but then you know that don't you?
Also it's a bit like when baking, keep to the measures given, as it makes all the difference.(yes just a little bit over on just one of the items can change the whole nature and final resulting drink) (I have warned you as I know from my own experience! that it can make a great drink complete crap!)
Have fun, please do let me know how you got on, and if you can remember what Larger, Lime cordial and Triple Sec and Tequila you used, let me know, so that I can try them out assuming I can get them in the UK that is.
This is a great summer drink (Yes, it's true that the UK does have summers, it's just they don't last very long!) that with great food and friends is a very nice, and is also a hot summers day drink and a hot summer is even better (But much much rarer here in the UK), and a BBQ is well even more better!
So to make my version of a Largerita you will need ( I did say to make my version of a Largerita! you may find others that have similar ideas, they are also worth having a go at, it may be that one of the versions is just what you are looking for! )
So you need the following bits and pieces
Bottle of Mexican Beer (Sol) (330ml) make sure it's cold,(I said Cold got it?) if you have no Sol,(yes and I also do bad puns!) I have found that any 5% (Alc vol) bottled Larger works, but for some reason the less "sweet" ones work much better, your taste buds might have other ideas....(and if they do, give them a taking to.....)( make sure the beer is cold, you will see a theme, about cold here....)
One shot of Tequila (The best you have around, also without this ingredient you will not have a Largerita, and I mean the best you have, your Largerita will taste much better if you don't skimp on the quality of the ingredients honest.....if you happen to have Patron Platinum, and who doesn't? then go for it it really does make a big difference to the final drink, I should know as I have tried this drink with several different Tequila's and its sad to say that in the case of Tequila you get what you pay for, at least that's what my taste buds are telling me!.)
One shot of Triple Sec (Any make seems to work, but please do note that different Triple Sec's do have different tastes, and deep flavor so find one you like.)
One shot of Lime Cordial (The higher the Lime content the better, here in the UK, I have found that Britvic and Rose Lime Cordial work well, for me that is (my taste buds again).)
Fresh Lime Juice to taste (Not really needed, but try it for the first glass or two, it's a real surprise what a little fresh Lime juice can do to the taste of a drink.)
Mix vigorously& serve with ice. (Well don't ask me why, but do not leave this out, as it makes all the difference to he final drink you end up with in your hand, well to me it does...and I promise you I have tried this recipe both ways and this is the best way (with Ice that is) I have read somewhere that it deepens the taste, whatever that means!(All I know is that it really does change the drink into something-worth having on a hot day, with Blue sky, your shades on and a BBQ near by...)
So there you have my version of a Largerita, which I have to say it always works well for me.
I suspect that the better the ingredients the better the end result, but then you know that don't you?
Also it's a bit like when baking, keep to the measures given, as it makes all the difference.(yes just a little bit over on just one of the items can change the whole nature and final resulting drink) (I have warned you as I know from my own experience! that it can make a great drink complete crap!)
Have fun, please do let me know how you got on, and if you can remember what Larger, Lime cordial and Triple Sec and Tequila you used, let me know, so that I can try them out assuming I can get them in the UK that is.
29 December, 2012
Drink of the day part 2
So today's drink is not that exciting, as things go, but it is a nice steady drink it is Fosters Larger 4.0% which according to the can has been brewed in Europe by the fine fellas and sheilas of Heineken, so I have no clue where the yeast used has come from, and from what part of the world the water is used to brew the Larger is also supposed to come from, is it Austria ? or somewhere else?
The thing is the can does not make this clear, where the water for the larger is to come from and as you know Europe is a big place so it could be anywhere.....
The thing is the can does not make this clear, where the water for the larger is to come from and as you know Europe is a big place so it could be anywhere.....
AF Lens Part 2
It now appears that I don't own two AF lenses only one, the good news is that the lens that I do own is a primary 1.4 lens, and very nice it is too.
28 December, 2012
AF Lens
It appears that I do own two AF lenses this is good news and I am sure my Nikion D600 is also very happy about it.
For the first time in ages I have read a story in a book, which for some reason or other I have not managed to do for more than a few months now.
Yes there is stuff I want to read I get the book out either in paper form or in electronic and for some reason after a few minutes I give up reading, strange that.
Yes there is stuff I want to read I get the book out either in paper form or in electronic and for some reason after a few minutes I give up reading, strange that.
Car service
So the car is having a day away from me while it gets its service, will I notice any difference in her when she comes back to me?
Why is it so dark today, apart from the rain clouds that is, it does not even feel like early afternoon.
27 December, 2012
DJ studio
DJ studio is an app on the Ipad that I use a lot in fact its now one of my music apps that I use the most.
So you can how happy I was when I saw that there was an update for it, which like a prat I downloaded straight away, this was not a good move on my part as it turns out that the update has just a few very bad errors in it.
To add to my joy Xmas is not a good time to get quick fixes for software, being that fact that everyone likes to have some down time, and why not?
So the several faults are the that I can not recorded anything longer than 3 minutes, which is just a bit of a pain as some of the items I now recorded are 20 minutes or more in length the other problem is that the brought in app purchases don't appear even after doing a restore purchase.
So I am not a happy little bunny but the good news is that the programmers are aware of the errors, the question is can they fix them?
I hope so, as its a program that I spent a lot of time getting used to, I have also spent a lot of money on.
I shall report back if and when another update is released that fixes the problems.
So you can how happy I was when I saw that there was an update for it, which like a prat I downloaded straight away, this was not a good move on my part as it turns out that the update has just a few very bad errors in it.
To add to my joy Xmas is not a good time to get quick fixes for software, being that fact that everyone likes to have some down time, and why not?
So the several faults are the that I can not recorded anything longer than 3 minutes, which is just a bit of a pain as some of the items I now recorded are 20 minutes or more in length the other problem is that the brought in app purchases don't appear even after doing a restore purchase.
So I am not a happy little bunny but the good news is that the programmers are aware of the errors, the question is can they fix them?
I hope so, as its a program that I spent a lot of time getting used to, I have also spent a lot of money on.
I shall report back if and when another update is released that fixes the problems.
Drink of the Day and other stuff
Just for my records on when I look back at this day in my life the drink of the day today is Carlsberg 3.8% which means that sadly it was brewed in the UK but I am told by the guys that know this sort of stuff that the yeast is as used in Copenhagen and that the water used in the UK is made to be very very similar to also what is used in Copenhagen.
Now for some reason I don't think the UK version tastes the same as the one from Copenhagen maybe it has something different that can not be added by those clever chemists?
The only thing that I can think off, but here I have no poof is that the zoology of the Bactria in the water is some how different and the fact that it is boiled is supposed to kill all the low temperature Bactria, does not mean to say that the Bactria that can survive temperatures of 100 centigrade are not still alive and that some how or other they react with the yeast and that what goes to creating the taste difference?
I know its a stupid idea but I can not at this time think of another reason for why a can of UK brewed Carlsberg and a Copenhagen brewed Carlsberg taste to me different and yes I have made sure both cans are of the same age and are both the same temperature when I taste tested them side by side.
I have no problem with the fact that there is in drinking water Bactria that lives on after being heated and having Chlorine thrown at it.
Normal drinking water has lots of stuff in it that don't do us any harm but are in there, in fact it may be that we need some of the unknown stuff that is in the water after being Chlorinated.
Now for some reason I don't think the UK version tastes the same as the one from Copenhagen maybe it has something different that can not be added by those clever chemists?
The only thing that I can think off, but here I have no poof is that the zoology of the Bactria in the water is some how different and the fact that it is boiled is supposed to kill all the low temperature Bactria, does not mean to say that the Bactria that can survive temperatures of 100 centigrade are not still alive and that some how or other they react with the yeast and that what goes to creating the taste difference?
I know its a stupid idea but I can not at this time think of another reason for why a can of UK brewed Carlsberg and a Copenhagen brewed Carlsberg taste to me different and yes I have made sure both cans are of the same age and are both the same temperature when I taste tested them side by side.
I have no problem with the fact that there is in drinking water Bactria that lives on after being heated and having Chlorine thrown at it.
Normal drinking water has lots of stuff in it that don't do us any harm but are in there, in fact it may be that we need some of the unknown stuff that is in the water after being Chlorinated.
End of Year
So the end of the year is coming real quick and in one way that's great in another its not so good. But with the end of year comes something that I do like and that is the fact that the days are getting longer, and in my book that is always good.
Nikon D600 Part 2
So I have the new camera and I now find out that DX lenses are not using all the sensor of the D600, after getting off the floor at the cost of AFX? lenses its a good job the camera knows I am poor and can use the cheap? old lenses that I have even if they are only DX type.
I must say that the results from the camera are very nice, yes they are very nice.
I must say that the results from the camera are very nice, yes they are very nice.
Nikon D600
So the new camera is going well I have worked out how to put the straps on to the camera, now I have to work out what settings I want on the camera.
Famous dead people
So each year we loose loads of people who I have heard of from the world of entertainment, I think the rate of loss is no more or less than any other year, I suppose the only differance is just how much or little attention I place on who it was who has passed away, and also weather or not their work had any impact on my life in some way or other.
New toys
I got a new camera for Xmas, which was very nice to get, it's just the cost was to say the least more than I have ever spent on a camera but I am sure that the d600 is worth the money.
The only thing is I am going to have to learn how to get the best out of it.
The only thing is I am going to have to learn how to get the best out of it.
26 December, 2012
Lost days
Arh I appear to have a few missing this week, how does that happen?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
22 December, 2012
So I have an iPad that is used very very heavily one of the apps that I like to use a lot is called dj studio. Before the latest update I could create track or mixes as long as I wanted but since the upgrade it only runs for some 3 minutes.
I am not happy....
I am not happy....
18 December, 2012
Why is it that I have brought some books that I do want to read, but for one reason or another I find myself unable to read them?
16 December, 2012
Pod-casting again?
Well I have done just 3 pod-casts
Then time has some how got in the way so I have not done any more yet....
To add to my lack of pod-casts another excuse that I can use is that the software that I use on the iPad has just been updated and there are new things to learn.
Well that's the excuses that I am going to use.
Well I have done just 3 pod-casts
Then time has some how got in the way so I have not done any more yet....
To add to my lack of pod-casts another excuse that I can use is that the software that I use on the iPad has just been updated and there are new things to learn.
Well that's the excuses that I am going to use.
Would I be happy with no worries about money?
How different would my life be if I did not have to go to work?
I suspect that even the very rich are never completely without something to do and always worry about their last million, and who can blame them?
Would I be happy being rich?
I don't know the answer but I would love to know the answer!
Sometimes I get upset that I am never going to be anything other than a small wheel in the big wheel but at least I have the chance to be happy with what little I do have, which is more than I thought I would have, so yes I would love to be rich, who wouldn't?
But I am never going to be well off that's just how life is... unfair and it does not care but then again when you see just how few really rich people there are it makes sense that most of us are going to be poor.
How different would my life be if I did not have to go to work?
I suspect that even the very rich are never completely without something to do and always worry about their last million, and who can blame them?
Would I be happy being rich?
I don't know the answer but I would love to know the answer!
Sometimes I get upset that I am never going to be anything other than a small wheel in the big wheel but at least I have the chance to be happy with what little I do have, which is more than I thought I would have, so yes I would love to be rich, who wouldn't?
But I am never going to be well off that's just how life is... unfair and it does not care but then again when you see just how few really rich people there are it makes sense that most of us are going to be poor.
I have had I suspect the same thoughts as many others as to what happens when your time is up. As I think about my life I have noticed that I can only go so far back with the memory's that I have, I have seen photo's taken of me when I was younger and I have no memory of them being taken.
I have spoken to lots of people and they have the same problem, it would appear that you only start to form memories from a certain age, and as far as I can tell that age changes from person to person, but in broad brush strokes we all only start to lay down memories at about the same time.
So I suppose it should not come as a surprise that the first 3 or 4 of my first years of life I have no hard and fast or complete memories, why is this?
Any way I started this note to myself with what happens when your time is up?
As know-one has ever answer from beyond the grave yet the answer is unknown.
I would like to note here that I don't worry about my end when ever it is, what I do worry about is that I hope my exit from this world will be pain free, as I don't like pain and sadly my pain threshold is so low that I think it is one of by biggest fears that my passing will not be pain free.
not that I want to go any time soon.
I have also found when talking to others that it appears to be a common fear, so I am not so different from everyone else, that's good out of some 6 billion humans on this planet I turn out to be just like everyone else...nice that.
I have spoken to lots of people and they have the same problem, it would appear that you only start to form memories from a certain age, and as far as I can tell that age changes from person to person, but in broad brush strokes we all only start to lay down memories at about the same time.
So I suppose it should not come as a surprise that the first 3 or 4 of my first years of life I have no hard and fast or complete memories, why is this?
Any way I started this note to myself with what happens when your time is up?
As know-one has ever answer from beyond the grave yet the answer is unknown.
I would like to note here that I don't worry about my end when ever it is, what I do worry about is that I hope my exit from this world will be pain free, as I don't like pain and sadly my pain threshold is so low that I think it is one of by biggest fears that my passing will not be pain free.
not that I want to go any time soon.
I have also found when talking to others that it appears to be a common fear, so I am not so different from everyone else, that's good out of some 6 billion humans on this planet I turn out to be just like everyone else...nice that.
Real Ale
Just a note to me I have just had a drink of wells Bombardier which is a real ale 4.3% it's okay as a drink, but not for me as there is a long after taste.
12 December, 2012
Is it true?
Well just seen a news item if that's the right word that according to one of the many Maya calandra the world is supposed to end on the 21st December, not that I believe that it will but it did make me think we're the maya aware of the rest of the world eg the UK?
I think the answer is no, so I have decided that their prediction only meant the maya world would end and I seem to remember it did in the 15th century under the Spanish.
I think the answer is no, so I have decided that their prediction only meant the maya world would end and I seem to remember it did in the 15th century under the Spanish.
11 December, 2012
How many?
How many designs are there in the world at any one time?
How many designs were created today?
Is there any way of finding out?
I think the answer to the above questions is nobody knows and also nobody knows how to find out in an easy to do way.
How many designs were created today?
Is there any way of finding out?
I think the answer to the above questions is nobody knows and also nobody knows how to find out in an easy to do way.
Sir Patrick Moore
So I have now just found out that Patrick Moore has died which is sad but I don't think it was that unexpected as his health was and had been in decline for some time.
It would appear that through his long life he effected lots of people in lots of ways and that he himself was a complicated man who like all of us had good and bad parts of his personality and I without the good and bad parts Patrick would not be the person he was.
I think seeing him on telly when I was younger sparked an interest in the night sky and also in science which has stayed with me to this day and I thank Patrick for that.
I never met him but from what I read he could be a fun person to be around and as he likes cats what more is there to say.
So thank you Patrick for bringing the wonder of the skies into my live and many many others.
It would appear that through his long life he effected lots of people in lots of ways and that he himself was a complicated man who like all of us had good and bad parts of his personality and I without the good and bad parts Patrick would not be the person he was.
I think seeing him on telly when I was younger sparked an interest in the night sky and also in science which has stayed with me to this day and I thank Patrick for that.
I never met him but from what I read he could be a fun person to be around and as he likes cats what more is there to say.
So thank you Patrick for bringing the wonder of the skies into my live and many many others.
10 December, 2012
04 December, 2012
It is according to the weather people 6degrees colder than average at this time, that's not news to me I know it's cold.....
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More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...