31 December, 2012
Drink of the day part 3
Yes I know but as its the last day of this year I am staying sober right up-to midnight.....
Gallery 3
So the end result?
Error 500
So until I work out what throws this error no Gallery 3.
Gallery 2 works well.
End of year
30 December, 2012
2013 iPad
If you can not see your way to creating more storage, and don't say I can use the cloud, what use is that when I have no connection to the cloud?
Also I don't want to have to keep paying to store my files, which may or may not be safe from others actions.
Why can't I have a USB port on the machine?
I have a lot of content that I don't want to move but if you keep coming up with iPads that can't do the job then I shall join the other millions and look else where for my new tablet.
Largerita ( Updated Content part 2)
How to make a Largerita ( Updated Content)
This is a great summer drink (Yes, it's true that the UK does have summers, it's just they don't last very long!) that with great food and friends is a very nice, and is also a hot summers day drink and a hot summer is even better (But much much rarer here in the UK), and a BBQ is well even more better!
So to make my version of a Largerita you will need ( I did say to make my version of a Largerita! you may find others that have similar ideas, they are also worth having a go at, it may be that one of the versions is just what you are looking for! )
So you need the following bits and pieces
Bottle of Mexican Beer (Sol) (330ml) make sure it's cold,(I said Cold got it?) if you have no Sol,(yes and I also do bad puns!) I have found that any 5% (Alc vol) bottled Larger works, but for some reason the less "sweet" ones work much better, your taste buds might have other ideas....(and if they do, give them a taking to.....)( make sure the beer is cold, you will see a theme, about cold here....)
One shot of Tequila (The best you have around, also without this ingredient you will not have a Largerita, and I mean the best you have, your Largerita will taste much better if you don't skimp on the quality of the ingredients honest.....if you happen to have Patron Platinum, and who doesn't? then go for it it really does make a big difference to the final drink, I should know as I have tried this drink with several different Tequila's and its sad to say that in the case of Tequila you get what you pay for, at least that's what my taste buds are telling me!.)
One shot of Triple Sec (Any make seems to work, but please do note that different Triple Sec's do have different tastes, and deep flavor so find one you like.)
One shot of Lime Cordial (The higher the Lime content the better, here in the UK, I have found that Britvic and Rose Lime Cordial work well, for me that is (my taste buds again).)
Fresh Lime Juice to taste (Not really needed, but try it for the first glass or two, it's a real surprise what a little fresh Lime juice can do to the taste of a drink.)
Mix vigorously& serve with ice. (Well don't ask me why, but do not leave this out, as it makes all the difference to he final drink you end up with in your hand, well to me it does...and I promise you I have tried this recipe both ways and this is the best way (with Ice that is) I have read somewhere that it deepens the taste, whatever that means!(All I know is that it really does change the drink into something-worth having on a hot day, with Blue sky, your shades on and a BBQ near by...)
So there you have my version of a Largerita, which I have to say it always works well for me.
I suspect that the better the ingredients the better the end result, but then you know that don't you?
Also it's a bit like when baking, keep to the measures given, as it makes all the difference.(yes just a little bit over on just one of the items can change the whole nature and final resulting drink) (I have warned you as I know from my own experience! that it can make a great drink complete crap!)
Have fun, please do let me know how you got on, and if you can remember what Larger, Lime cordial and Triple Sec and Tequila you used, let me know, so that I can try them out assuming I can get them in the UK that is.
29 December, 2012
Drink of the day part 2
The thing is the can does not make this clear, where the water for the larger is to come from and as you know Europe is a big place so it could be anywhere.....
AF Lens Part 2
28 December, 2012
AF Lens
Yes there is stuff I want to read I get the book out either in paper form or in electronic and for some reason after a few minutes I give up reading, strange that.
Car service
27 December, 2012
DJ studio
So you can how happy I was when I saw that there was an update for it, which like a prat I downloaded straight away, this was not a good move on my part as it turns out that the update has just a few very bad errors in it.
To add to my joy Xmas is not a good time to get quick fixes for software, being that fact that everyone likes to have some down time, and why not?
So the several faults are the that I can not recorded anything longer than 3 minutes, which is just a bit of a pain as some of the items I now recorded are 20 minutes or more in length the other problem is that the brought in app purchases don't appear even after doing a restore purchase.
So I am not a happy little bunny but the good news is that the programmers are aware of the errors, the question is can they fix them?
I hope so, as its a program that I spent a lot of time getting used to, I have also spent a lot of money on.
I shall report back if and when another update is released that fixes the problems.
Drink of the Day and other stuff
Now for some reason I don't think the UK version tastes the same as the one from Copenhagen maybe it has something different that can not be added by those clever chemists?
The only thing that I can think off, but here I have no poof is that the zoology of the Bactria in the water is some how different and the fact that it is boiled is supposed to kill all the low temperature Bactria, does not mean to say that the Bactria that can survive temperatures of 100 centigrade are not still alive and that some how or other they react with the yeast and that what goes to creating the taste difference?
I know its a stupid idea but I can not at this time think of another reason for why a can of UK brewed Carlsberg and a Copenhagen brewed Carlsberg taste to me different and yes I have made sure both cans are of the same age and are both the same temperature when I taste tested them side by side.
I have no problem with the fact that there is in drinking water Bactria that lives on after being heated and having Chlorine thrown at it.
Normal drinking water has lots of stuff in it that don't do us any harm but are in there, in fact it may be that we need some of the unknown stuff that is in the water after being Chlorinated.
End of Year
Nikon D600 Part 2
I must say that the results from the camera are very nice, yes they are very nice.
Nikon D600
Famous dead people
New toys
The only thing is I am going to have to learn how to get the best out of it.
26 December, 2012
Lost days
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22 December, 2012
I am not happy....
18 December, 2012
16 December, 2012
Well I have done just 3 pod-casts
Then time has some how got in the way so I have not done any more yet....
To add to my lack of pod-casts another excuse that I can use is that the software that I use on the iPad has just been updated and there are new things to learn.
Well that's the excuses that I am going to use.
How different would my life be if I did not have to go to work?
I suspect that even the very rich are never completely without something to do and always worry about their last million, and who can blame them?
Would I be happy being rich?
I don't know the answer but I would love to know the answer!
Sometimes I get upset that I am never going to be anything other than a small wheel in the big wheel but at least I have the chance to be happy with what little I do have, which is more than I thought I would have, so yes I would love to be rich, who wouldn't?
But I am never going to be well off that's just how life is... unfair and it does not care but then again when you see just how few really rich people there are it makes sense that most of us are going to be poor.
I have spoken to lots of people and they have the same problem, it would appear that you only start to form memories from a certain age, and as far as I can tell that age changes from person to person, but in broad brush strokes we all only start to lay down memories at about the same time.
So I suppose it should not come as a surprise that the first 3 or 4 of my first years of life I have no hard and fast or complete memories, why is this?
Any way I started this note to myself with what happens when your time is up?
As know-one has ever answer from beyond the grave yet the answer is unknown.
I would like to note here that I don't worry about my end when ever it is, what I do worry about is that I hope my exit from this world will be pain free, as I don't like pain and sadly my pain threshold is so low that I think it is one of by biggest fears that my passing will not be pain free.
not that I want to go any time soon.
I have also found when talking to others that it appears to be a common fear, so I am not so different from everyone else, that's good out of some 6 billion humans on this planet I turn out to be just like everyone else...nice that.
Real Ale
12 December, 2012
Is it true?
I think the answer is no, so I have decided that their prediction only meant the maya world would end and I seem to remember it did in the 15th century under the Spanish.
11 December, 2012
How many?
How many designs were created today?
Is there any way of finding out?
I think the answer to the above questions is nobody knows and also nobody knows how to find out in an easy to do way.
Sir Patrick Moore
It would appear that through his long life he effected lots of people in lots of ways and that he himself was a complicated man who like all of us had good and bad parts of his personality and I without the good and bad parts Patrick would not be the person he was.
I think seeing him on telly when I was younger sparked an interest in the night sky and also in science which has stayed with me to this day and I thank Patrick for that.
I never met him but from what I read he could be a fun person to be around and as he likes cats what more is there to say.
So thank you Patrick for bringing the wonder of the skies into my live and many many others.
10 December, 2012
04 December, 2012
27 November, 2012
Just a note to me that as soon as that wind turns from theNorth wow it gets cold quick, either that or I just feel the cold real bad these days.
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26 November, 2012
Dirk Maggs Website
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Yes it's a surprise to me, but thinking about it I have not updated my sites for a while so I suppose it should not be a surprise.
Growing up
25 November, 2012
Grand Prix
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24 November, 2012
Podcast Pt 3+1+7+kjghgfdhgk
one thing that I have noticed is that all 3 of the episodes on there have the same date, even though they where recorded at different times, the story or the reason for the same date is that I had to move them from one part of the server to another and the files got re date stamped..
Podcast test
If you are looking at this years into the future I would be surprised if it works, but you never know it might, so what have you got to loose?
Test podcast lik
Sub domains
Drinking ESB from Fuller's and its nice but I am not sure if I like it more or less than Fuller's London Pride, then again I am only on my first pint.......
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
23 November, 2012
22 November, 2012
Podcast 3
What I have yet to work out is how to link to them on this blog!
The podcast it's self runs to a whole twenty minutes....
20 November, 2012
So this now means that I have two bits of software that I can use to do my blog on my iPad and that has got to be good, hasn't it?
Podcasting again
I have not yet worked out how to get them linked into a blogger post, although from the reading that I have done that should be possible, which is good
Perhaps what I should do is just carry on doing the podcasts and stack them up ready to go, so that when I work out how to link them there will be loads for people to try. Not that I expect to get a lot of downloads, as the subject of my podcasts is similar to this blog and I do this blog for myself, if people find it and read it good for them.
Do really rich people have a better life than me?
Do really rich people have the same worries as me?
Do really rich people have a happier time?
I don't know the answers to theses questions, and at this moment in time I don't know any really rich people to ask the question.
Another thought that just occurred to be as I wrote the above was do really rich people even talk to people like me , sadly I think I do know the answer to this one....
19 November, 2012
Tights with Patterns
I did say to her that they made her legs look longer. and that they looked really great
I think I got a smile and a thank you!
Father in Law
But the goods news is that he is doing well.
I even put the AC on to try and demist it, as it is not nice to be driving along and then suddenly you can't see out of the car window.
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17 November, 2012
15 November, 2012
Father in law
14 November, 2012
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11 November, 2012
As for my ebooks the number is even more than the paper ones, I shall just have to get back into the habit of reading again.
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Most looked at
So why is it getting hits?
I suppose it's one of those mysteries......
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I don't know as I was remembering the fallen.
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10 November, 2012
There are only two things that are getting in the way, choosing the music at the start and end of the podcast, which is just a case of me getting off my backside and getting on with it.
The second and much more difficult thing to get over is getting used to the idea of talking into a microphone again, why a bit of metal and plastic can be so scary I just don't know.
Subject matter for the podcast is not a real problem as I have lots to say about my two website, The Dirk Maggs Production Website and also the James Follett website.
As there is a lot to talk about on both sites hopefully by the time I get any where near the end Dirk Maggs might have done some more radio work, although looking at the BBC's output its not looking good, as they seem to be on a downward spiral into producing less and less radio plays ect...
09 November, 2012
Real ale
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05 November, 2012
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31 October, 2012
So it's my son's birthday hard to believe he is now 27!!!
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28 October, 2012
Summer has Gone
It's winter now, the nights are going to be dark....
27 October, 2012
I have a feeling that this is a bug in BlogPress, sad to find one the first time I try to use something for the very first time.
I try to just use one picture or more several times but it was always with the same result...
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26 October, 2012
Holiday end
Yes, I think so,
I have had so many lie ins that its getting embarrassing ( but I will not stop me from enjoying more!)
As the weather has been horrid staying in and reading, listening to music and drinking have been fun and the only way to go. (Well it works for me, that all that counts)
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25 October, 2012
In my case the secret is nothing to do with infidelity, which is good news to me... But it could have been much worse if that was the case.
So what do you do when you find out a secret?
I don't know the answer to this as my partner told me her secret
I don't know weather to feel sad or angry that she keep this from me
It doesn't alter our relationship in any direct way other than the fact that its been something that she felt I did not need to know about.
I think that my best course of action is to do nothing and just accept the fact that she has told me and that why should it change how I feel about her.
Perhaps in a few weeks I can reflect back on it and also why she has decided to tell me now.
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24 October, 2012
I must admit that my blog does go through this cycle, but in the last year so so it's more active as I have now decided that the blog is for me and that if anyone else happens to find it and read it good for them.
So the other thing that I have also noticed is that most blogs do not have an audience, this does not make them any less interesting its just that a lot of blogs are written like mine for the owner or are a seep list blog in that the contents of the blog will only ever interest a few people.
With there being so much on line the change of your blog become a big draw is always going to be small unless you are out to make a name for yourself, and if that's what you are after then the old tricks of using sex or scandal will get you an audience of some kind or other.
As by blog has no pictures no sex and is not in any way going to cause a scandal, it's always going to be one of those blogs not seen or read by any one and I am okay with that, no really I am.
I think I could not cope with the idea that my thoughts and words being read by millions and that every one you say is ceased on and looked at and commented on, I just don't know how the celebrity or big name blogs cope with it all, and if you miss putting something on your blog for a day or two, well it's going to be the end of the world or your stick dead or you don't care anymore, so I am happy that my little read blog is out there amongst all the others and that over two or more billion people on the Internet pass it by, thank you very much.
You may ask why do a blog then?
No answer really other than its a great place to store stuff, and even in the years since I have had this blog stuff I wrote a few years ago that I have read read recently has come as a surprise to me, and I wrote it.
I believe that I have seen in my own life some thing called selective memory taking place, and it's scary just how much your brain edits out, and just how quick this editing takes place, so for that reason alone I shall keep making notes to me.
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23 October, 2012
22 October, 2012
Whatever it is does it come in its own sweet time?
Is rest the same as chilling or are both something different?
I don't know the answers to these questions, but as this is not book for me I have recorded it here and perhaps one day I will have an answer or two.
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29 years married
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Own time
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21 October, 2012
Abbott ale
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19 October, 2012
Uncooked fish
Sadly tonight that was not the case, I decided to have haddock and chips, which when you think about it is an easy meal to cook or so you would think ?
so what happened I hear you ask?
as if you don't already know the answer as if nothing happened,I would not be writing this would I?
The fish was not cooked all the way through, now uncooked fish is not nice, well to me it's not.
To say that I am still upset is an understatement, in fact I think it has totally wrecked my date with donna, it's a good thing that me and donna have been going steady since 1983' well not steady more like married and very happy thank you very much.
So another date night wrecked just because the chief took the fish out 30 seconds or so too early.
I did not get charged for the fish but that does not make up for a date night wrecked, as to me going on a date with so e one you love is one of the most important things that you can do.
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18 October, 2012
Power 2020
One thought that I have had and I am sure lots of other folks have had this one before me is this, why can't the clothes that we wear and move in and also warm up with our body heat be used to generate power?
Could your jeans or tights have a network of nano generators in them arranged in the right way so that when you are moving around or just sitting there breathing you generate electricity, and if the devices of 2020 are also nano powered and the power they need is a lot less than today why can't they be powered by your clothes?
It's a good idea and I am sure that it will happen, probably not in the way I talk out here, but it will happen.
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Its a nice thing, but also sad thing in that yet another day in your life is over, and its sad to say that you do sometimes stop and think did I make best use of the day that is just fading into the night?
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17 October, 2012
Do stars pulse (not neutron stars)
Do the pulses last minutes or days?
If stars do pulse do the stars vary in brightness?
and finally will the size of the star make a difference and if its a metal rich star?
16 October, 2012
Tights 3
Anyway here I go with this, I wonder where it will go to.
My thought about tights this time is, who invented the machines that make the tights?
How did they work out how many threads they need to make tights?
How did they work out what speed the thread or nylon could go through the machine?
I don't know the answer to these questions and doing a search on the net has not given me any answers.
Rather sadly though I have seen lots of people in various states of undress wearing tights and doing things to each other, (I suppose that's my fault for not making sure that I have safe search on.)
So to sum up
I don't know who or when the machines used to make tights were invented or created, for all I know they might have just used an existing machine and put it to a new use.
I also wonder just how much money a year the sale of tights is around the world, it must be rather a large amount, as over half the shops I have looked in always have new designs of tights for sale, and you don't do that unless you are making money, that's not only the shop but also the persons or company's making the tights, designing them let a lone the new types of yarn or whatever they use to make them with.
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15 October, 2012
Tights 2
Am I right in this belief?
Am I also right in that more women appear to by wearing tights instead of jeans and a like, or is it that I am just paying more attention to what women are wearing because of what Donna is wearing?
Good questions, sadly I don't have the answer to them, I did think that I could do a little experiment and say spot how many people are wearing brown shoes and see if I notice if I notice myself seeing more people with brown shoes on.
I shall carry out this little experiment for a while and let you know if there is a result one way or the other.
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There is a phot of her shoes on Facebook.
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No use moaning about it, as unless I win the lottery I am stuck in the uk for winter.
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12 October, 2012
Free time
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11 October, 2012
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10 October, 2012
Mediawiki joys
So I have started to look into how to lock it down just a bit more.
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09 October, 2012
08 October, 2012
Even more stupid is to go and look on the Internet to see if the above is true.
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07 October, 2012
06 October, 2012
05 October, 2012
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Donna likes the shinny ones more for that reason, I wonder if the overall look is to do with how the tights are made to get the respective finish, who knows?
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Concrete 5
At this rate I may have to revisit one of my older websites.
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04 October, 2012
Rocket launch
Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/#ixzz28M5DGG3V
It was nice to see this reported somewhere on the internet.
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October 2012
So first day that's colder than the others lately.
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29 September, 2012
26 September, 2012
19 September, 2012
Where is L?
I have to say that we believe she is alive at least she was earlier in the year but things can change.
Perhaps we may find out something in the future who knows....
Just for fun I looked up the temperature in Florida like you do and found it to be a barmy 30 centigrade.
It's just not fair.
18 September, 2012
Where is L?
Will I ever find out what became of her and how her life has been?
who knows?
If I find out I will let you know here.
16 September, 2012
It does not help that I can't remember how to clear the cache on the web browser
13 September, 2012
Dirk Maggs
So the other reason is time, in that I have some free time but not enough to do a full updating job.
Perhaps I will have to leave it until December when I will have some free time.....
I ask this question as having just come back from Florida I think my body thinks its still 30+ centigrade!
12 September, 2012
08 September, 2012
I would like to thank British Airways and also Delta Airways for getting me and my luggage home safe and sound.
I would like to thank the pilot of BA flight 1567 from JFK to LHR on Thursday 6 Sept which took off from JFK at 8am local time for a really smooth landing at LHR it was great and left a lot of us very happy that there are still Pilots out-there who know how to land a plane real smooth as some of the other landings that I have experienced where less than smooth so thank you mister/ or Mrs BA pilot.
07 September, 2012
Luggage Part 2
Gatorland UK
Luggage where are you
31 August, 2012
Not sure about gators as they appear so old and slow but when food is on the menu then they are just savage
01 August, 2012
Dandy Dick Play
I must admit that it was fun and that I did enjoy it, I think the actors and actresses did as well. The farce may be old fashioned but it worked I thought rather well.
23 July, 2012
20 July, 2012
The Apocalypse Codex (Laundry Files #4)
I have read lots of reviews and I think a lot of them have forgotten that a book is supposed to entertain and that is what this book does, true our hero does change but then the world our hero is in also changes.
I have to agree with others that having read books 1 to 3 helps but its not needed this book does stand on its own.
If you have read books 1 to 3 I think its like having a really rich sauce on your meat when you read book 4.
I would love this to be an audio movie, I think Dirk Maggs would and has the skills to make these books into a 4 series 6 part 30 minutes episodes movie, sadly I don't yet have the money to pay for them to be made, I look to the lottery to make this dream of mine come true, I estimate that I will need some 10K per episode, yes, I am thinking that big in production terms.
Dream off........
11 July, 2012
I suppose it goes without saying that the number of pod-casts being made must have also dropped and with podcast-fade alos present I suppose it must always mean that the number of new pod-casts is always going to be small and the number that say get to 20 episodes or so must also be small.
I wonder if the failure rate is different for what ever language you speak and where you are in the world?
08 July, 2012
Website on hot to make a largertita
Upload the DJ sets that I have produced and updated the music website to reflect the uploads.
Add chapters to the Garlic and the Citrus books
Upload the tracks for the music for audio movies project
Popular Pages
My most popular posts as of today are Cottage Pie and How to make a Largeritia
Yes Makes no sense to me.
For some thing better to do I will great a website with all the Largeria recipes I can find.
I wonder how many hits if any it will get?
Semantic wiki
Luckily the amount of information lost is small as I am still getting to grips with the semantic markup.
The Hitchhiker's Guide Live Radio Show at the Woking Victoria a look back.
Another view looking back from 2 weeks ago.
Was the show as good as I remember it?
Mostly is the honest answer to this questions. Part 1 was very good and was a lot of fun, the sound effects and the band where very good. The second part was I think in hindsight uneven, why it should be so I just don't know but that what I think.
I have seen some other reviews and there are several that mention the fact that the first part is stronger than the second, I suppose one of the problems Dirk had when writing this show was that most if not all the material is so very well known by most of the audience.
This then leads to a problem in what do you leave out?
Douglas Adams had lots and lots of ideas so there is plenty of material to choose from, do you go with a safe bet or do you chose something that will stretch all parties concerned eg the cast, the audience and the production team?
I like to think that Dirk went for let's be brave, and I think for the most part it works, the only trouble is the first part is just so good that you can not but help compare the second part with the first.
so then important question looking back at the show and also with hearing the recording is was I entertained? did Dirk do a good job?
The answer is yes to both questions.
Slow Posts
28 June, 2012
27 June, 2012
The answer is that I did, the cast had fun, the drummer of the band was having fun and the audience also appeared to have fun. I think I have read somewhere that Dirk Maggs was asked what his plan was for the show and what did he want the audience to come away with, well if it was some 2 hours of entertainment with some great verbal and also visual comedy, then I have to say that he did it, and did it well.
Most of the audience got most if not all the jokes and everyone like what they saw and heard.
The great thing about a live show is that you can never know how that nights performance is going to go, and so it was with last nights, some of the mistakes were very funny and had not only other cast members and director laughing but the audiance as well, I think its great also that everyone was relaxed about any errors, if you could call bring the house down in fits of laughter an error, me I don't think so I think the errors were great.
Was it worth the money?
Would I go again?
No, Once seen why dilute something that is already great and never to be repeated exactly the same.
It makes me wonder just how good a live radio show of say comic book hero's would be?
part from the sad fact that getting permission would never happen or the costs would be so high so as to make it not worth doing I think that Dirk could do such a project, perhaps one day...
I am looking forward to being able to purchase a copy of last nights performance so that I can hear it again in the car and enjoy it all over again but in its original format.
If you can catch the tour before it ends please do so, its a treat for your ears.
I will when I get chance add some more stuff on the live tour to the Dirk Maggs website when I have the stuff I want to put on it.
22 June, 2012
Mid Summer
19 June, 2012
I am thinking if I should do a cast list for hitchers live, I have yet to make my mind up on it.
18 June, 2012
Dirk Maggs Website
as a side note to the above I shall be going to the Woking show, and I am looking forward to it.
17 June, 2012
HHGTG live show Woking
It should be a great show and lots of fun as I can not see how Dirk Maggs could organise a live radio show any other way.
I shall report back on this event. It will be the first Dirk Maggs production I have seen or heard this year...
16 June, 2012
may be it will get better, as a Brit I am going to hope so.
07 June, 2012
Events from the past
Well I have just found out what has happened to her or at least someone is saying this is what happened, I don't know if it true or not that is for someone else to work out not me.
I am told that she has lost her job and that she is still out of work. That she now lives on her own in a caravan as she admitted that she was cheating on her husband. I don't know if this is true or not.
So if it's true then you really don't know just how good things are and the choices you make can have large changes to your life.
I can not check if what has happened to L is true as I have no way to contact her.
If true its sad that she has ruined her life for a bit of sex on the side.
Perhaps one day I will find out what happend.
31 May, 2012
Flat Roof
My bank balance does not like this very much as its taken a hit.
29 May, 2012
22 May, 2012
The good news is that I have not lost any of my data, and all the hard work that went into making the sites in the first place.
I suppose when I have anything new I should update the sites.
I am please that its finally all back on the internet, I suppose I will be lucky if I get 2 or 3 visits a day ....
19 May, 2012
Website Missing
To say that I am not happy is an understatement, in fact I am not happy with both of the companies concerned, surly these days they can get their act together to transfer a domain from one host to another without me having to chase them.
Espacally as I don't have a clue as to what a ISPTAG is, and I really don't want to know I just want my domain transferred on the date I want it.
So I have now chased my old hosts who are in the USA for them to hand over the IPSTAG to my new hosts, I have a really bad feeling that this is something that is going to take time to sort out.
Meanwhile none of my websites work.
Not happy...
01 May, 2012
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27 April, 2012
Flat roof
Not happy.....
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22 April, 2012
14 April, 2012
Semantic website part whatever
Now when I tried last time to set up the site I had some problems with the software that drives the whole thing, mainly getting it to work without it crashing on me.
I must say here that I am running all the software as a local server using xamp to drive the web server and MySQL as the database.
So after a few months I gave up as I was not getting anywhere with it.
So it's been some time so I have decided to have another go at a semantic website.
The good news is that I think I have found some good software in SMWplus which for individuals is free to use, but it does not come with any support, but there is a lot of information on the website, which I must admit I have used very heavily over the last few days.
The good news is that I am up and running. The bad news is that some of the extensions to the software tend to cripple the whole thing and I have had to reinstall on more than one occasion, but as I have learned this process has become an easy step to make and carry out.
No the snag that I have hit is this.
I have worked out how to mark up a page so that it has a category, that was easy, and how to make new category's.
I have learned how to do annotations on some of the items in a page.
So for instance I have done the following as an example
[[actor::dirk maggs]] this gives dirk Maggs the property of actor, I have done the same for him as a writer, director, producer and male.
I have added him to the category person.
I can search for male actors, and that works.
The problem I now have is how do I attach all the productions that he has done to him, and also to the other people who are involved in some way with the production?
I want to be able to do a search for say Shane Rimmer and see all the productions he has been in. Or do a search for all the productions made in 1990 that have 30 minute episodes.
I have as yet not worked out how to code this information.
Do I have to use category or properties? Or a mixture of both?
Maybe it's time to hit the manuals again, I have to get this to work as without it what's the point of having a semantic website?
If I can get the local copy to work then putting it on the Internet will be I suspect not as hard a task.
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09 April, 2012
All I can say is very nice, and as a bonus it was a family meal.
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Bank hoilday
08 April, 2012
Family Day
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07 April, 2012
06 April, 2012
Wheels day
There were several cars that if I had the money I would love to buy. One of them was an AC Cobra.
Even saw Tiff Nedell, luckily did not not interpret me viewing of the cars.
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04 April, 2012
02 April, 2012
29 March, 2012
Warm days
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27 March, 2012
James Follett website
So I shall buy my self some of the books that I have never managed to get in paperback and read them on the ipad in kindle
James Follett website
So I shall buy my self some of the books that I have never managed to get in paperback and read them on the ipad in kindle
25 March, 2012
If its not the above I suppose that it could also be the having tried the drink they are not sober, and so can't give any feedback as they are not able to.
Well I can dream! Can't I?
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24 March, 2012
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Solar lights
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20 March, 2012
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First see
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18 March, 2012
One podcast that I have started to listen to just a few months ago is called recycled electrons, for some reason it just is a fun listen the two presenters have fun and I get the impression that the banter that you hear on the podcast is the same as what they are like without a microphone in front of there faces.
One of the presenters is used to speaking in public and on television while the other is not, although it must be said as the podcast has gone on he has got much much better at speaking and I think now forgets that there is a microphone in front of his face, both presenters have easy to listen to voices and the subjects that they talk about are always interesting and have a typical British look to them which for me is great as its nice to know that there still some British science go on.
So if you like science and astronomy and acronyms then have a go and download a podcast from recycled electrons, what have you got to loose?
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17 March, 2012
10 March, 2012
How to make a Largerita ( Updated Content 2024)
This is a great summer drink (Yes, it's true that the UK does have summers,
it's just they don't last long!
Summers normally last 3 or 4 days then it's rain,
rain and rain!)
So, this drink is great with food and friends, it’s
a very nice drink that always goes down well, and is also a hot summers day
drink, a hot summer is even better
(But much much rarer here in the UK!), and a BBQ is
well even better!
(hey English is my first language, which I am still
trying to learn!)
So to make my version of a Largerita you will need;
(I did say to make my version of a Largerita! you
may find others that have similar ideas, they are also worth having a
go at, it may be that one of the versions is just what you are looking for! )
So, you need the following bits and pieces, leaving any of these items
out, will as you have worked out in you not making or being a Largerita!
Bottle of Mexican Beer
(For me this is Sol, as I have not here in the UK
found anything else for sale from Mexico!) (330 ml) make sure it's cold, (I
said Cold got it?)
If you have no Sol, (yes, and I also do bad puns!)
I have found that any 5% (Alc vol ABV) bottled larger works, but for some
reason the less "sweet" ones work much better, your taste buds might
have other ideas!.
(And if they do, give them a taking to.....)
(make sure the beer is cold, you will see a theme,
about cold here....so the beer has to be cold, okay? got that!)
One shot of Tequila
(The best you have around, also without this
ingredient you will not have a Largerita, and I mean the best you have (Tequila
that is),
your Largerita will taste much better if you don't
skimp on the quality of the ingredients honest.....
If you happen to have Patron Platinum, and
who doesn't? then go for it, it really does make a
big difference to the final drink,
I should know as I have tried this drink with
several different Tequila's and its sad to say that in the case
of Tequila you get what you pay for, at least that's what
my taste buds are telling me!)
One shot of Triple Sec
(Any make seems to work, but please do note, that
different Triple Sec's do have different tastes, and deep flavours so find
one you like.)
One shot of Lime Cordial
(The higher the Lime content the better, here in
the UK, I have found that Britvic and Rose Lime Cordial work well, for me that
is (my taste buds again).)
Fresh Lime Juice to taste
(Not really needed, but try it for the first glass
or two, it's a real surprise what a little fresh Lime juice can do to the taste
of a drink.)
No, I don't
know why but it just makes a difference!
Mix vigorously & serve with ice.
(Well don't ask me why, but do not leave this out,
as it makes all the difference to the final drink, you end up with in your
hand, well to me it does...and I promise you, I have tried this recipe both
ways and this is the best way (with Ice that is.....)
I have read somewhere that it deepens the taste, whatever that means!
(All I know is that it really does change the nature of the
drink into something-worth having on a hot day, with lots
of blue sky, your shades on and a BBQ near by...)
So there you have my version of a Largerita, which I have to say it always
works well for me.
I suspect that the better the ingredients the better the end result, but then
you know that don't you?
Also it's a bit like when baking, keep to the measures given, as it makes all
the difference.
(Yes, just a little bit over on just one of the
items can change the whole nature and the final taste of resulting
(I have warned you, as I know from my
own experience! that it can make a great drink, complete crap!)
Have fun and let me know how you got on, and if you can remember what Larger,
Lime cordial and Triple Sec and Tequila you used, let me know, so that I can
try them out assuming I can get them in the UK that is.
Largerita How to make one.
This is a great summer drink that with great food and friends is nice, a hot summers day is even better, and a BBQ is well even more better.
So to make a Largerita you will need
Bottle of Mexican beer (Sol) make sure it's cold, if you have no Sol I have found that any 5%
One shot of tequila
One shot of triple sec
One shot of lime cordial
Fresh lime juice to taste
Mix vigorously and serve with ice.
05 March, 2012
Spring yet
Saw my first bumble bee of this year, not sure if this is the earliest I have seen a bee.
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27 February, 2012
Music for Audio movies
The second album in the project is also well under way as I have lots of tracks in various states of near completion, which was a bit of a surprise to me when I looked in my project folders and saw just how many different tracks I have been creating, with a lot of them at nearly 90 percent complete.
I as yet do not have a name for the next album, and I also have not yet managed to update my music website with the details of the new album, which is where I will make all the tracks available for download.
The first album has the name of Fade into the Night as was I think inspired by the fact that a lot of personal friendships seem to either start or finish in the night?
The album only has five tracks with the first track very different from the other four, the opening track is a lively introduction to the album, while the other four tracks are a more soulful marking I think that relationships that fade into the night can be good or bad.
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26 February, 2012
Fade into the night
The new album is called Fade into the Night and has five tracks on it, sadly the track names leave a lot to be desired in that they are parts 1 to 5!
Don't know why but that's how they ended up being called, it's not as if I have any control over what the tracks where going to be called.
The album is part of my new project called music for audio movies. At this time it has only the album Fade into the Night as part of it, but I seem to be creating a lot of tracks at this time so I don't think it will be long before the second album in the project will has tracks and a name.
The tracks are coming think and fast for some reason I have lots of musical ideas at this time so I am putting them down as fast as I can.
Audio movies need good music and I have plenty of tracks that have been inspired by many different things, from books other music and the weather!
I think the project will be fun and as I get inspired I will theme up each album in the project.
As a start I have put tow of the tracks parts 1 and 2 on sound cloud for people to hear if they want to.
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I don't know how soon I will see in the website stats the number missing pages count drop.
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24 February, 2012
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23 February, 2012
It got to 16 centigrade and very nice it was to.
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I wounded just how many more butterflies I will see this year as last year was not so good for seeing them, I suppose seeing a butterfly in Feb is early.
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I have lots to do on them to bring them right up today's standards and also update the contents, but for some reason I just can't be bothered to update them, it would not take too long to do the update perhaps some five or six hours in total, and because of the way the websites are built it can all be done in bits and pieces.
So why?
I don't have an answer
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Well today if what the weather men have said is correct it's going to be warm, they say that it could get up to 16 centigrade, which if true will be more the ten centigrade warmer than normal for this time of year.
So it will be interesting to see if it happens just as the weatherman say it will.
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22 February, 2012
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21 February, 2012
All I know is that it can make for an interesting cuppa if you are not expecting bits when drinking your coffee.
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20 February, 2012
19 February, 2012
18 February, 2012
16 February, 2012
No blogs
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11 February, 2012
Still cold
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10 February, 2012
Nokia N8
This is my current phone and just for the record I am on O2. Earlier this week Nokia release a nice, or so I am told up date to the N8. I don't know what it's like as O2 for some unknown reason have not let us have it yet, even though the rest of the world have it, and from what I have read it appears to be working well.
Why are O2 so slow?
Do they care about there customers?
They have not even thought to let us customers know when they are going to let us have the update.
As you start to read the blogs and comments on the net about this, I have realised that there are some very angry people out there and that O2 have not done themselves any favours.
It also turns out that they are already selling N8's with the update already installed, so on the face of it it would appear being an existing customer is being a second class citizen.
I suppose that in the fullness of time we will find out why the delay and also get to enjoy the update.
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Not sure which one it is, the main thing is that the fault what ever it was has been sorted and I now for a while until the next update have a working blogging programme yeah!
It's just nice to be able to blog when and where I want to.
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08 February, 2012
07 February, 2012
28 January, 2012
Bad News
But for the fact that the UK health service does have some very clever and caring people my Mother would have died 4 years ago.
Now in the grand scheme of things, e.g who ever writes this script called life we get the news that she now has a fast growing tumor in her airway that is inoperable.
The even evil bit is she gets this news 10 years to the day we buried my father, so someone somewhere does have a very sick sense of humor.
Hearing the news form my sister who was wither her I don't know how to feel about it, as in one sense it was always going to happen some time, just I don't want to hear it now.
My Mother on being told this news is reported to have remarked "What a shiter"! which I suppose does rather sum it all up.
As the lady has always lived her life how she wants to, it comes as now surprise that she has already started to put her life affairs in order and has already stated that she wants an eco burial, and is going to look at where she wishes to be buried...
I have told her since hearing the news that I love her and she replied that she loved me and that she would talk to me until the end, for reasons that I will not put in here, I shall only talk to her.
I can't face seeing her face to face as she declines, as I want to remember her as she was fit and fighting, she has said that she understands this, for which I am happy for her support.
So how long has my Mother got?
She says anywhere between 2 weeks and 2 Months but thinks from what the consultant said 8 weeks is probably very optimistic.
So I shall talk to my Mother until its time and tell her that I love her.
27 January, 2012
What I like about this phase is that the unlit side of the Moon sort of glows in Earthshine and you can see it but not see it.
Not very far from the Moon in the sky was a really bright star, which when I used an app on the iPad showed me I was looking at a very bright Venus, the app also pointed out where Uranus is but as where I live is rather well light up at night I have no chance of seeing it and also I reckon you need a telescope to see it.
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26 January, 2012
It does not have front fog lights, and it does not have a range function which I find a bit of a surprise as it has a function to tell you when to change up or down gear, just like a formula one but without the speed!
So it would appear that I have brought the wrong car and I will now be stuck with it for two or more years. I suppose that it is my fault for not checking the specs.
But apart form the two things that I said above its actually a nice car to drive and is okay.
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More Music
More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...
So today we are having a BBQ for Chaz, so you can guess what the weather is going to do! yep wet or so it looks. I don't know how all ...
The drink of today is.... London Pride which as you know is a real ale and very nice it is to drink in the sunshine.
Largerita 2024 This is a great summer drink (Yes, it's true that the UK does have summers, it's just they don't last long! ...