31 October, 2022

Hello Sweden

 Just very quickly looked at the stats for my blog for October, as I expected them to be poor as I have not done much blogging.

I was surprised to see that there has been some visits from Sweden, so welcome to you hope what you found on this site was not too much of a disappointment.


 So after my short break I have not blogged for a while so it may be a little while before I am back blogging about this and that and on the things that happened on the break.

30 October, 2022

Parkrun vids

 So I have done some parkrun tourism and I also managed to film them, the great things some how I have Managed to get the footage off the gopro and on to YouTube,  I have not edited the footage so what you see is what happened and at the time it happened,  mainly due to the fact that I don't have a PC that is capable of editing the footage. 

20 October, 2022


 So a note tome it’s just raining I don’t like the idea that I may have o run in the rain tonight but I will run what ever the weather does.

Thursday Run

 So as yesterday was a success in that I did a run and that it was okay, it means that I can go for a run with the group. Well hopefully as last week for one reason or another none of them could make the Thursday run, hopefully tonight we get a few running.

19 October, 2022

Ran Tonight

 So I ran tonight to see if the legs were okay  the answer is yes they are okay, but I decided that it was not wise to push them so I just did a steady or easy run.

Did 6K so I am happy with this.

Hello Indonesia

 As it my want I checked the website like you do to see where visitors from around the world are coming from, so I was Again surprised to see that some one from Indonesia landed on my site somehow.

So welcome enjoy the site,  assume that somehow you can make sense of what I have written here.

Out Running Again

So it’s been a little while since I did a full on non stop run. The plan is to do a 5K run tonight non stop and see how the legs feel while doing the run and also how they feel afterwards.

Thinking back to lat Saturday I think it should all be okay, one thing that has changed is that I have been stuck in the office all day and so have not been able to go out on site and walk around bit, which normally stretch’s the legs so maybe that’s one of the reasons that the legs are feeling a bit tight.

So a run tonight it is.

18 October, 2022


 Just a quick note to me to say that today isit was very foggy but now we have blue skies and its 17 centigrade 

17 October, 2022

videos that I like

Down Drum

videos that I like

Something Wrong

More Music Released

 So you should be able to see on this website that I have just released another 3 music track, each of which is in a different style.

So each track is different and in fact when I look back on the composing dates there is over a year or so between the tracks.

All the tracks use different samples and are in different keys and tempo’s I had fun making these tracks and I hope you can find the time to have a listen.

16 October, 2022


 Checking this sites stats I see that some how I have had a visitor from Liechtenstein, so welcome the reader or bot from Liechtenstein.

videos that I like

Rushmoor Parkrun 15/10/2022 Rushmoor Parkrun 15/10/2022 This is only 1 of the 2 laps that make up this Parkrun I was supposed to be taking it easy by walking around the course, but I tried a little jog here and there, and it was okay. I was not dressed to run the course. It was also a test of the GoPro which is having trouble getting content off the camera and onto YouTube etc..

videos that I like

This Blue

videos that I like

Clock Red

Run or Not?

 So yesterday I did a run walk 5K and my legs felt okay, do I rest them some more or do I try going for a run?

These are difficult questions to answer.

I think I shall just have a few rest days so that whatever I did to my leg muscles has a chance to heal.

As someone told me there is always another day to run.

15 October, 2022

Real Ale Part 2

 So would you believe it I had the chance to try two more real ales, I know how lucky am I

The first real ale that I got to try is called Telemark Rev 5.0% which is a real ale from Norway!

This is a red session ale and I found it easy to drink, the sad thing is that this probability the only time in my life that I will get to drink this ale, as I am not likely to ever get to Norway to try this ale in its home land.

The second ale that I tried in this session was called Titanic Slipway IPA 5.5% so this was the strongest ale I tried today but the funny thing was that it did not taste that strong.

This was an Amber coloured ale and I found that it was easy to drink.

I must have liked it as I wanted to know what hopes were used in its brewing!

It turns out that it used the following hops Halequin jester and finally northdown

This was a very easy ale to drink and as u said above its very sad but this will be the only time in my life that I get the chance to enjoy and drink this ale.


 So welcome my readers from France  are you bots or real live people, does it matter what you are?

Thank you for looking at this little website 😊 

Real Ales

 So got the chance today to try some real ales, this is a rare event and is one that if given the opportunity I do not turn down.

So the two real ales that I have tried today are

Maxim Olicana 4.6% blond beer, I rather liked this and its sad to say that it did not last very long it was very easy to drink.

The second beer I tried was called Black Sheep Astronomer 4.2% and was a black porter this was nice to try but for me the previous drink tasted better.

New Music

 So it's time to unleash on the unsuspecting world some new music.

I think it could be as many as four tracks this time, is the world ready for this....

5K Walk Run

 As some of my muscles still hurt from the hill running that I did on Thursday I today decided that I would walk the parkrun.

Things did not end up staying like that as during walking I decided to see how the legs were, the answer is that they were okay so I did the rest of the parkrun in a run walk.

This was not ideal as I had drefor a walk and not a run.

Any way I had fun and completed the parkrun in some 34 odd minutes which us not bad as I walked more than I ran.

14 October, 2022

How big is blogger

 Just an lazy thought just how many active blog sites are there on blogger?

I think it's amazing that Google haven't shut it down as they seem to shut stuff after a few year on average.

Post 10K Run Part 2

 So last night I did my second post 10K run and it was really quite a hard run to do, the legs really were not up for the run so I did not do any of the planning speed work and just ran a steady pace.

I have a rest day today from running.

Park run on Saturday may end up being a park walk, and why not?

Opps missed a posting

 So missed doing a post yesterday due to the fact I was very busy and then just to tiered and also I had nothing I really wanted to say.

So note to me only post when you have got something you want to talk about, don’t do a post just because you feel you have to.

12 October, 2022

6K Run

 So my first run after the 10K at the weekend and it should be no surprise that it was a slow run, it does not to me matter how long it took but the main thing was to finish and that’s just what I did.

Quiz night

 So got invited last night to a quiz night at a local pub, due to work and other comments we also ended up having food with soft drinks, as we don’t drink alcohol during the week.

Lithe food was a reasonable price and the servings large such that I could not eat everything on the plate in front of me.

The quiz was with 25 others teams with between 2 and 8 people, I will say here some of the questions are hard. We did not finish in last place I think we where in the top ten with half and one points separating the different teams.

Anyway one of the questions that was asked was the following

What year did cupcakes appear

1768, 1864, 1896?

It’s a hard question you either know the answer or you don’t

We did not know so we guessed 

We got it wrong

It turns out that cupcakes first appeared in 1768

Who knew?

11 October, 2022

10K Run

 So just a note to me here that I did the 10K run and I finish 181st out of a field of 596 with a time of 54, which is my third fastest time, which I happen to think was a good effort as I had just had the covid jab, given blood and gust a cold from the wife.

As someone said before there is always another run.

Miss a post or two

 So as soon as you miss a post or two know one wants to look at the website, I suppose that’s what I should have expected.


This site has over 2000 entries so you think that some one one stubble on one of the earlier entries on here, but looking at the stats it does not look like that happens, oh well.

08 October, 2022


 So looking at this sites stats I have spotted a visitor from India, so if you are reading this welcome, did you hit this website by mistake?

Anyway welcome.

Slow Parkrun

 So Today  I did a slow parkrun as tomorrow I am running 10k race, unfortunately I am not feeling that great at this time as you will know if you have been following  this website I gave my 148 donation of  blood, this Thursday I also a coved jab, then to top it all off I caught the wives cold or whatever it is that she caught, it’s a bit suspicious as when she got her covid jab she was also given the flue jab as well.

Given how I am feeling I am just going to run at a pace that feels good for me so it will not be PB time this time, which is sad.

I plan to run the 2nd K if I faster than the first and as long as I am under the hour I will be happy.

06 October, 2022

Race Number part 2

 So I have collected my race number last night and the place I went to collect it was very busy.

I have race number 599 so gutted that it was not 600 that race has a limited number of places 700 and as my surname is towards the back of the alphabet I would expect to end up with a high number.

So all I have to do on Sunday is finish, it looks like I said before the ground is is going to be wet, the good news is that it is not going to be too wet, so that’s good.

I am wondering if having the Covid jab today will have any effect on me on Sunday, this is something that I will only find out on the day, hopefully it does not as I was hoping to try to better my time in this race but it doesn’t matter if I don’t get a PB just so long as I complete the race.

Hong Kong

 So just a quick note to me that some how or other this site has had some visitors from Kong Kong of all places, I would love to know just what search term they used that caused them to end up on my site of all the millions of websites on the internet.

Bet they bid not stay that long as most of the posts on this site are of no real substance and are not in any way going to change the world or some persons life. Add to that that I am in the U.K. so what I have to say can’t really be that relevant to someone on the other side of the planet.

Covid Jab

 So today I get my 3rd Covid jab, for which I am very happy to be getting as I did earlier this year catch Covid and it was not a very nice experience and one that I really don’t want to repeat. I believe the my symptoms would have been far more interesting than what I actually went through, I can’t imagine what it would have been like if I had not had the earlier jabs.

I the hear in the news that Covid is again on the increase so it makes sense to take whatever measures to try and stop or at least reduce the risk of catching it again, I know having the jab will not stop me catching it but hopefully it will help reduce the effects of it.

05 October, 2022

Wet Run?

 So beginning to worry that the 10k run on Sunday could be a wet one this is something that has happened before, it’s not present but if I have to run in the rain then that’s what I will have to do.

Race Number

 So tonight I shall go and collect my race number for the 20k race on Sunday. I am going to be running a 10K that is a mixture of trail and paths,  it looks like it will me wet underfoot so I have decided to run it in trail shoes just in case.

I wonder what number I will end up with?

The field is limited to 700 so it will be interesting to see what I get.

04 October, 2022


 Just a note to me that wow it’s getting very early now.

03 October, 2022

Blood Donation Time

 So its Blood donation time for only the second time this year, this first donation was in January this year I then missed a donation as I had caught coved which was not very nice.

So I am glad that tori was able to give, this being my last donation of this year.

So how many donations have I given?

I am proud to say that I have given 148.....

02 October, 2022

London Marathon

 So today is the London marathon so I am going to watch the elite races, I hope one day to run a marathon I already have run half marathons, and I am down to do one in Jan 2023.

01 October, 2022

Drop in Hits

 So as I said in a previous post on this website that the number of hits a day would drop, it looks like that is what has happened looking at yesterday stats, hey ho

More Music

 More Tracks So I may be on a roll here, in that I should not long after this post goes up have released another new music track. So have a ...